Wednesday 3 August 2016

At Pharma-Sponsored Conference, Florida Doctors Vote to Oppose Medical Marijuana


On Sunday, the Florida Medical Association voted to oppose Amendment 2, Florida's latest effort to legalize medical marijuana. The FMA, which represents more than 20,000 physicians in the state, also opposed a similar effort two years ago.

So why is the doctor's group hell-bent against a treatment option that has been embraced elsewhere in the U.S.?  Well, after the vote at the group's annual meeting in Orlando, CEO Tim Stapleton offered the following (factually dubious) reasoning.

“There is nothing 'medical' about this proposal, and the lack of scientific evidence that pot is helpful in treating medical conditions is far from inclusive,” he said, according to a press release sent out by Drug Free Florida, the billionaire-backed campaign to scare people from voting for medical marijuana.

But the FMA neglected to mention one key fact about its vote: Its Orlando conference, held this year in Walt Disney World, was sponsored by PhRMA, one of the pharmaceutical industry's largest trade organizations. PhRMA has spent millions to defeat medical marijuana proposals across the country.

The post At Pharma-Sponsored Conference, Florida Doctors Vote to Oppose Medical Marijuana appeared first on Toke of the Town.

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