Tuesday 28 June 2016

The good, the bad & the ugly of moving pot to Schedule II

Yes, the Drug Enforcement Administration is thinking about rescheduling marijuana. Here are the good, the bad and the ugly unknowns of rescheduling weed.

The good, the bad & the ugly of moving pot to Schedule II

Yes, the Drug Enforcement Administration is thinking about rescheduling marijuana. Here are the good, the bad and the ugly unknowns of rescheduling weed.

Dispensary Security Guard Killed in Attempted Robbery

Travis and Samantha Mason in a photo from her Facebook page.Facebook

Travis and Samantha Mason in a photo from her Facebook page.

Young couples are frequently encouraged to write wills and make estate plans that will be ready in the event of unexpected death - but few of them do so.

Such a tragedy seems too unlikely for most of them to undertake such a sad task.

But Travis and Samantha Mason were an exception to this rule. Why? One reason, Samantha says, was Travis's past as a Marine - a service in which risking life for country is one cost of membership.

“We'd talked about what to do if anything was to happen - what his wishes were and what my wishes were,” she acknowledges. “And he just wanted everybody to be happy. He didn't want anybody really mourning.”

Keeping this pledge will be difficult for Samantha and his friends, family and loved ones - not to mention what Samantha refers to as “his brothers and sisters” in the military. Because while Travis survived his stint in the Marines, which ended in February 2016, he was killed on June 18, at the age of 24, when he was shot while working as a security guard at Green Heart, a dispensary at 19005 East Quincy Avenue in Aurora.

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Monday 27 June 2016

Rescheduling marijuana: The good, the bad and the ugly unknowns of Schedule II

Yes, the Drug Enforcement Administration is thinking about rescheduling marijuana. Here are the good, the bad and the ugly unknowns of rescheduling weed.

Marijuana: Is it safe? Is it addictive? Sorting fact from fiction

Clashing portrayals of cannabis have endured through decades of research and a gradual easing of public resistance to the drug's use.

Get to Know Your Neighborhood Budtender

Budtender Jason McDaniel behind the counter at Sticky Medz in Los Angeles.David Futch

Budtender Jason McDaniel behind the counter at Sticky Medz in Los Angeles.

Behind every counter at L.A.'s medical marijuana dispensaries is an expert who knows what strains are best for pain relief and which brownies best quell nausea caused by chemotherapy.

These experts are called “budtenders,” and their profession is a new career choice, whether they're stocking the shelves and studying labels or learning medicinal properties and caring for the afflicted.

To get to know this quirky group, read more about California's budtenders via L.A. Weekly.

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Friday 24 June 2016

These Colorado grads scored scholarships funded by weed

Pueblo County has set aside $750,000 from marijuana excise taxes to help Pueblo high school graduates go to college.

Rank the Top 10 Stoner Movies of All Time

The folks over attheChiverecently put together their list of the "Top 10 Stoner Movies of All Time," and now you get a chance to rank them!

Dear Stoner: How Do You Make Herb Tinctures?


Dear Stoner: I just got some pot brownies, and I'm not planning to ingest them for two weeks. Do you think the potency will still be the same, and if they'll be okay to eat? Can I heat them up if they go hard?Tasnim

Dear Tasnim: We've talked to multiple cannabis bakeries and kitchens about the shelf life of edibles, and all of them have said that edibles are pretty hard to tarnish in terms of potency, so two weeks definitely wouldn't be long enough to harm your brownies. The “normal” ingredients in them are what you need to worry about, because they'll decay much faster on your kitchen counter than THC would. Throw the brownies in the freezer if you're scared of spoilage, but that's just to fend off mold, not THC degradation. Freezing definitely beats food poisoning - and what a waste of pot that would be!

Take care when heating up frozen edibles - which usually have the texture of cold turds - as THC will slowly start to fade at temperatures over 200 degrees Fahrenheit (and die altogether at 392 degrees Fahrenheit). But most microwaves don't take food above 212 degrees, so there shouldn't be any noticeable difference in potency after the short fifteen seconds it takes to warm your brownie. Throw a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top or wash it down with a fatty glass of whole milk to increase the effects.

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Wednesday 22 June 2016

House GOP nixes bid to open banking for cannabis biz

Failing in an effort to match the success of their Senate counterparts, House members on Tuesday watched as Republicans killed a budget amendment that would have prevented federal regulators from penalizing financial institutions that worked with legitimate marijuana businesses.

Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego Says Cannabis Legalization Will Help Arizona's Economy and Minorities


Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego declared his support for an anticipated marijuana-legalization initiative on Monday, saying it would help minorities and the economy.

The 36-year-old Iraq War veteran and Democrat who represents Arizona's Seventh Congressional District has supported legalization for years.

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Is this pro-pot Ohio senator ignoring the Cole Memo and other states' weed laws?

Medical marijuana patients in Ohio say they need access to their medicine. But should they follow Ohio state senator Kenny Yuko's advice?

Tuesday 21 June 2016

America's largest cannabis business summit lands in Oakland

After years of thriving in a hazy legal climate, the marijuana industry has emerged as something decidedly professional in California. That tone was evident at the Cannabis Business Summit and Expo in Oakland, hosted by the National Cannabis Industry Association.

High Court Says Government Can Prosecute Drug Robbery

The Supreme Court says the government can prosecute a robbery of drug dealers under federal law without having to show that the drugs were intended for interstate commerce.

Monday 20 June 2016

No, Colorado teen marijuana use isn't spiking in legal era, 2015 survey shows

Teen marijuana use in Colorado: A new survey shows past-month use has remained stable since legalization, and is in line with the national average.

Slain pot dispensary security guard dreamed of becoming a police officer

On Saturday night, two armed men walked into the Green Heart Marijuana dispensary, and shot Travis Mason, 24, repeatedly during an attempted robbery.

HIGH TIMES Legislative Roundup: June 20

Some of the biggest news of the week comes from Washington D.C, where the U.S. Senate has taken action to allow banking services for the cannabis industry. Other highlights include a push in Pennsylvania to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, as well as support ...

Arizona Congressman Endorses Marijuana Legalization Iniatitive

Arizona Congressman Endorses Marijuana Legalization Iniatitive | Marijuana Policy Project

PHOENIX, AZ - Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) announced Monday that he is endorsing an initiative poised for the November ballot that would end marijuana prohibition in Arizona and replace it with a system in which marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol. “Forcing sales of this plant into the underground market has resulted in […]

Arizona Congressman Endorses Marijuana Legalization Iniatitive | The Daily Chronic

Sunday 19 June 2016

2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup: Saturday Night

Day One of the HIGH TIMES NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup finished up with a big, gigantic show, featuring none other than the two-man superband Big Gigantic. Check out the highlights as Day One came to a close.

No, the DEA will not Legalize Marijuana on August 1

No, the DEA will not Legalize Marijuana on August 1 | Scott Gacek

A weekly newspaper from Santa Monica, Calif., reported on Saturday that the “US Gov't Will Legalize Marijuana on August 1,” claiming that “weed will soon be legal in all 50 states, with a prescription.” According to the Santa Monica Observer, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) intends to reschedule cannabis from it's current status as […]

No, the DEA will not Legalize Marijuana on August 1 | The Daily Chronic

Saturday 18 June 2016

2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup: Hybrid Concentrate Entries

Check out all the Hybrid Concentrates entered in the 2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup, June 18-19 at the Cow Palace.

2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup: Indica Flower Entries

Check out all theIndicaFlower entries from the 2016NorCalMedical Cannabis Cup, June 18-19 at the Cow Palace.

Friday 17 June 2016

2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup: Hybrid Flower Entries

Check out all the Hybrid Flowers entered in the 2016NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup, June 18-19 at the Cow Palace.

Cannabis goods every stoney guy needs in his toolkit

Whether the ganja guy in your life is an old-time stoner or someone newer to the smoking scene, it's high time to take his toolkit to the next level. We've rounded up essential items to gift all of the pops out there who partake.

Cam'Ron Plans Cannabis Line for Fall Launch

Be on the lookout for some killer purples from rap icon Cam'Ron's new cannabis line this fall. We toured a Bay Area grow with Cam and the weed rap crew from The Smoker's Club.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Dear Stoner: Can Marijuana Help With Migraine Pain?

Dear Stoner: I've been dealing with migraines for years, and my prescribed medication rarely works. I've been thinking about medical marijuana as an alternative treatment. Does it do anything for migraines?


Dear Ken: They say that those who deal with migraines and insomnia are the most intelligent and creative people; I am neither, but my dumb ass still dealt with the same issue growing up. I tried all sorts of treatments - aspirin, prescription ibuprofen and Imitrex, multiple MRIs, even locking myself in a dark, silent room - but nothing worked. I've also gotten so stoned that I've forgotten I even had a migraine - but that put me out of commission longer than the headache ever did. Finally, I spoke with a medical marijuana doctor about my condition, and he recommended tinctures and edibles.

To read the rest of the response, visit Westword.

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PIX OF THE CROP: 06.16.16

Our favorite reader submitted photos for the week of June 16. 2016.

US Senate Committee Approves Marijuana Banking Measure

US Senate Committee Approves Marijuana Banking Measure | Marijuana Policy Project

Appropriations amendment approved with bipartisan support is intended to improve public safety by reducing the number of marijuana businesses that must operate entirely in cash because they are being denied access to banking and financial services WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved an amendment to the Financial Services and General Government […]

US Senate Committee Approves Marijuana Banking Measure | The Daily Chronic

Did Microsoft just jump into the marijuana business?

Tech giant Microsoft and marijuana industry services provider KIND Financial will work together to help governments track regulated marijuana production from seed to sale.

How much does your state love marijuana? This map will tell you.


Marijuana laws in America vary widely from state to state - and they shift so frequently that keeping up can be a challenge.

That's why a new marijuana policies map is so helpful.

Developed by Frontier Financials and CannaRegs.com under the auspices of the National Cannabis Industry Association, the interactive online map provides updated basics about marijuana rules in all fifty states with just a click - and also offers some intriguing projections.

Visit Westword to find out the state-to-state details.

The post How much does your state love marijuana? This map will tell you. appeared first on Toke of the Town.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Tourists visiting Colorado can now buy a lot more weed than they ever could before

It's official: Tourists visiting Colorado can now purchase a lot more marijuana than they ever could before. Here's how much weed non-residents can now purchase.

Denver set more tourism records in 2015. Again, marijuana gets no credit for bump

Denver hosted 16.4 million overnight visitors who spent $5 billion in 2015, setting another new tourism record. And again, legal marijuana gets no credit.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Rosin-Tech: What Do The Labs Have To Say?

Sit down, squish a few buds and check out what science has to say about the rosin you know and dab.

Can the CEO of Texas Cannabis Soften the State's Approach to Pot?

Patrick Moran, CEO of Texas Cannabis, plans to turn the former cotton gin in Gunter into a facility to produce cannabis oil.Mark Graham

Patrick Moran, CEO of Texas Cannabis, plans to turn the former cotton gin in Gunter into a facility to produce cannabis oil.

The old cotton gin on the west edge of Gunter seems an odd place to launch an economic boom. A breeze blows through broken windows and holes in its rusting, corrugated metal walls. Inside, a half-dozen or so squat machines that once separated cotton from seed sit corroding in a jumble of elevated metal walkways and busted machinery. Fistfuls of cotton, blackened by age and dirt, still rest in their bins.

High above, a buzzard ruffles its wings from its perch on the edge of a gaping hole in the roof. Visitors have driven it from the eggs it's brooding in a tin flue near the gin's floor, so Patrick Thomas Moran urges his guests to step outside.

“We don't want to disturb the mamma buzzard,” he says.

A buzzard setting up a nursery on a factory's floor is generally a good sign that the time has come to call in the wrecking crew and start looking for greener pastures, but Moran has plans to relight this old gin with a new cash crop, even if he has to ruffle a few feathers. The CEO and managing partner of AcquiFlow LLC, which bills itself as “the first open, transparent and legal Texas-based cannabis company,” wants to strip out the old machinery and build a cannabis oil production facility inside the gin's old shell.

For more on the state of marijuana in Texas, visit the Dallas Observer's full story.

The post Can the CEO of Texas Cannabis Soften the State's Approach to Pot? appeared first on Toke of the Town.

Colorado school in line for big chunk of change for marijuana research

Huge funding from Pueblo County officials will be used to conduct research of marijuana and its effects on the community and efficiency of treating various medical conditions.

Monday 13 June 2016

Is Texas the next hotbed for growing cannabis for CBD?

Texas is a great place to grow pot. Even though it has one of the most stringent medical use laws in the country, it also offers the cheapest licensing fees.

Stoner Sex: Maternal Fantasies, Different Strokes, Pumping Up & Sex Vets

Hyapatia Lee answers all of your questions regarding cannabis and sexuality.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Winners of the 2016 Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup

Everyone brought their best to the 2016 HIGH TIMES Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup! The competition was fierce across all of the categories represented, but ultimately the judges voted for these fine entries.

2016 Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup: Day Two

The second day of the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup in Clio, MI got off to a fabulous start under brilliant, blue skies. The temperature dropped twenty degrees and no rain is in the forecast -- which means that after two years of rainouts, the Cannabis Cup Awards show w...

Saturday 11 June 2016

2016 Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup: Topical Entries

Check out all theTopicalsentered in the 2016 HIGH TIMES Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup, June 11-12, at the Auto City Speedway inClio, MI.

Friday 10 June 2016

2016 Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup: CBD Flower Entries

Here are all theCBDFlower entries from the 2016 HIGH TIMES Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup, June 11-12, at the Auto City Speedway inClio, MI.

Canada's Veterans are Using More Marijuana, Less Opiods

Canada's Veterans are Using More Marijuana, Less Opiods | Paul Armentano

Rising rates of medical cannabis use among Canadian military veterans is associated with a parallel decline in the use of prescription opiates and benzodiazepenes, according to federal data recently provided to The Globe and Mail. According to records provided by Veterans Affairs Canada, the number of veterans prescribed benzodiazepines (e.g. Xanax, Ativan, and Valium) fell […]

Canada's Veterans are Using More Marijuana, Less Opiods | The Daily Chronic

Colorado sets record with $117M in weed sales for April

Colorado's monthly cannabis sales have reached a new apex in the legal era with a record-setting $117.4 million worth of flower, edibles and concentrates sold in April 2016. Colorado has now exceeded $100 million in monthly marijuana sales three times.

175 million Americans have access to medical pot. Why doesn't the DEA consider it medicine?

Pressure is mounting on the federal government to update decades-old marijuana policy. Pot is still listed as a Schedule 1 drug, next to heroin.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Welcome, Ohio: Now 25 states have legalized medical marijuana

Gov. John Kasich has signed legislation legalizing Ohio medical marijuana, though patients shouldn't expect to get it from dispensaries here anytime soon.

James Corden Knows Exactly Which Strain of Cannabis He Would Be

Host ofThe Late Late Showand this year's emcee of the Tony Awards, JamesCordenseems to know his weed!

National Survey Finds Dip in Teen Marijuana Use, Dispels Anti-legalization Myth

National Survey Finds Dip in Teen Marijuana Use, Dispels Anti-legalization Myth | Marijuana Policy Project

WASHINGTON, DC - The results of a federal survey released Thursday by the U.S. Center for Disease Control once again dispel the myth that rolling back marijuana prohibition laws will lead to an increase in teen marijuana use. According to the biennial National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), 21.7% of U.S. high school students reported […]

National Survey Finds Dip in Teen Marijuana Use, Dispels Anti-legalization Myth | The Daily Chronic

Ohio's the 25th state to legalize medical pot

Gov. John Kasich has signed legislation legalizing Ohio medical marijuana, though patients shouldn't expect to get it from dispensaries here anytime soon.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Oregon races to finalize rules for recreational marijuana, issue licenses

After months of public hearings with pot growers, lawmen, public health officials and others, an Oregon commission is racing to finalize recreational marijuana regulations and issue licenses to hundreds of businesses within a few months.

'God made it, it's awesome': Roseanne Barr talks pot and her presidential bid

Legendary comedian Roseanne Barr talks about her 2012 bid for president that was captured in a documentary that also shows her smoking pot, a lot.

Introducing the Vapir Prima Portable Vaporizer

TheVapirPrima is a stealthy and stylish, portable vaporizer that works with both cannabis and concentrates. The pocket-sized, brushed aluminum unit features a deep bowl that can hold .20 grams of ground pot. The Prima also comes with three stainless steel mesh...

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Washington marijuana applicants' personal info subject to data breach

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board is working to notify marijuana license applicants whose personal information was accidentally distributed by the agency in response to a public records request.

Illinois Prepares for Medical Marijuana Upgrade

Although the Illinois medical marijuana pilot program came limping out of the gate last year, the state's General Assembly has put its stamp of approval on a bill aimed at upgrading the state of cannabis medicine by extending the program's expiration date and gi...

'It's amazing': Man walks free from 55-year pot prison sentence

After serving 12 years in prison, Weldon Angelos is a free man and is making up lost time with his teenage children.

Vermont's medical pot program just expanded

Patients with glaucoma, chronic pain and those in hospice care can now use cannabis in treatment options.

Puffco Plus a model of good taste for vape pen evolution (review)

The Puffco Plus takes on our resident vape pen skeptic and wins by producing some tasty hits. The Puffco Plus embeds the heating element in the bottom of the ceramic bowl, and that's a step forward in vape design.

Pot legal issues? You're in luck - Denver's getting a new marijuana law practice

Marijuana and tax lawyer Rachel Gillette is named to head Greenspoon Marder's new office in the Denver region.

Update: Why Michigan won't allow 106,000 signatures for pot legalization

The state says a ballot drive to legalize Michigan marijuana for recreational use is at least 106,000 signatures short to qualify for a statewide vote.

Monday 6 June 2016

Puffco Plus vape pen model of good taste with its delicious hash oil hits (review)

The Puffco Plus takes on our resident vape pen skeptic and wins by producing some tasty hits. The Puffco Plus places the heating element outside of the ceramic bowl, and that's a step forward in vape design.

Here's some terrible advice on edibles from comedian Sam Tallent

If a first-time edibles consumer asks for advice from stand-up comedian Sam Tallent, he says that he will tell them to eat more than the recommended dose.

Saturday 4 June 2016

Israel: Medical Cannabis Efficacious In Most Patients

Israel: Medical Cannabis Efficacious In Most Patients | Paul Armentano

BEERSHEBA, ISRAEL - Over 90 percent of subjects enrolled in Israel's nationwide medical cannabis program report significant improvements in pain and function, according to patient survey data presented at the Sixth International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy. Over 20,000 patients receive cannabis as part of the federally regulated program. Investigators at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev […]

Israel: Medical Cannabis Efficacious In Most Patients | The Daily Chronic

Friday 3 June 2016

Marijuana dispensary burglars lead Denver police on chase

Denver police have arrested one woman in connection with the Friday morning smash-and-grab burglary of a marijuana dispensary, but are still looking for two male accomplices following a police chase and collision early Friday morning, authorities say.

FDA Looking to Canada to Learn More About Regulating Medical Marijuana

While the United States government continues to try to convince the average citizen that marijuana is one of the most dangerous substances in the world, a smoke signal has been seen rising up over the horizon from Washington D.C. that could be an indication that Uncle Sam...

The scoop on Oregon's rollout of edibles, oils

Oregon recreational shoppers can now purchase edibles and oil extracts. "I'm kind of excited about getting home and trying these with some coffee," said Ray Berrian, a 66-year-old retired elementary school teacher.

Nico's Nuggets: Home Breeding Basics

Learning to breed marijuana strains? Let cultivation expert Nico Escondido help!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Here's scoop on Oregon rollout of recreational edibles, oils

Oregon recreational shoppers can now purchase edibles and oil extracts. "I'm kind of excited about getting home and trying these with some coffee," said Ray Berrian, a 66-year-old retired elementary school teacher.

Medical Examiner: Prince Died of Fentanyl Overdose, Accident

Prince died of an accidental overdose offentanyl, a powerfulopioidpainkiller that is up to 50 times more potent than heroin, autopsy results released Thursday show.

The best news of the summer: Bob Ross painting series now on Netflix

The serene couch session you've always dreamed of is now a reality: Netflix is streaming the Bob Ross painting series “Beauty is Everywhere,”

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Big changes for Illinois medical marijuana await gov's OK

An expansion of the Illinois medical marijuana program by 2 ½ years won lawmakers' approval and goes to Gov. Bruce Rauner.

PIX OF THE CROP: 06.01.16

Check out our favorite reader submitted photos for the week of June 1, 2016.