Friday 29 July 2016

Marijuana Has Potential to Treat Alzheimer's, Says Salk Institute Study

cannabis_stock_image_photo_by_lindsey_bartlett15Lindsey Bartlett

Alzheimer's is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that slowly shuts down the brain and eventually leads to death. But a new study gives patients and their families hope that marijuana could help.

Researchers at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies published astudy in the June journal of Aging and Mechanisms of Disease announcing the discovery of a compound present in marijuana that triggers the removal of beta-amyloid protein from neurons. In layman's terms, that means cannabis could help remove deadly plaque accumulation from the nerve cells.

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Dear Stoner: Which Is Better for CBD Extraction - Hemp or Flower?


Dear Stoner: I want to try my hand at making CBD-extracted products. Is it better to use hemp or real marijuana for it? C-Mac

Dear Mac: It depends on your experience with marijuana and cannabinoid extraction. Most cannabidiol (CBD) users and product-makers use industrial hemp, because it's easier to grow legally and naturally higher in CBD cannabinoids than most flowering marijuana plants, which generally have more THC. If you want to start creating personal CBD products in Colorado, all you have to do is make sure your hemp plants or oils have less than 0.3 percent THC, and you can make all the CBD-infused balms, lotions and foods you like - as long as your home-extraction methods don't involve butane or any other explosive solvent.

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Wednesday 27 July 2016

Colorado is right to question excessive medical marijuana plant counts

Denver Post editorial: Sanctioning a single patient to grow 75 plants deserves extra scrutiny because of black-market temptation and public perception of Colorado's liberal marijuana laws.

Weed startup exec: Colorado legalized marijuana better than Washington

Cy Scott, founder of Leafly and Headset, talks on The Cannabist Show about whether Colorado or Washington has the leg up on recreational weed.

Pro-Pot Maryland Lawmaker Affiliated with Pot Company

The Washington Post learned that Maryland state lawmaker Del. Dr. Dan K. Morhaim, a vocal supporter of legalizing MED, is affiliated with a company applying for a state MED license. Morhaim, who's also a physician, said he has no equity in the company, and had cleared his involvement with the legislature's ethics advisor.

Maryland has promised to begin awarding the coveted licenses next month. The evaluation process cost about $2 million , almost five times the original estimate.

More rigorous product testing is coming to Oregon this fall, but so far  no testing lab licenses  have been issued. MED dispensaries  can open in Hawaii  but none are ready.

Tech billionaire Sean Parker doubled his contribution to California's REC initiative to $2.25 million.

Long Beach, Calif. won a lawsuit that will allow it to maintain its dispensary ban. Voters will have a chance to overturn the city's ban in November. It's complicated.

High Times says Brexit could set back legalization in the U.K.

Italian lawmakers will consider full legalizationGreece may legalize MED. A new bill in Ireland would legalize MED.

Legal pot probably isn't as big a draw for Colorado tourists as had once been thought. Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger makes a technical argument that Washington State should have licensed more dispensaries.

Edibles company Bhang Chocolate lost a $1.875 million breach of contract suit to investor Mentor Capital.

HelloMD, a site that allows patients to obtain doctors' recommendations online, has a questions and answers site that TechCrunch compares to “ Quora for cannabis.”

Canadian company Canopy Growth, plans to start selling MED in German pharmacies.

Weed is among the highest grossing products on the “ dark web,” online marketplaces that are difficult for law enforcement to track.

Investment in cannabis start-ups is on the rise. Instagram “ purged” a few big brands' accounts.

The Atlantic talks to a few female cannabis entrepreneurs.

Canna Law Blog has a post on the eight pitfalls awaiting the industry in California.

Dispensary chain Terrapin Care Station acquired Denver Relief's central Denver store.

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Tuesday 26 July 2016

The down-low on Massachusetts' controversial 'pay-to-play' MMJ market

The Boston Globe found that dispensaries are shelling out loads of money to be able to operate in Massachusetts towns and cities.

Colorado Town Finds THC in Drinking Water

water-bottle-THC-in-waterSource images via

The situation appears under control.

The following is excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at

An investigation in Hugo, Colo. found THC in the drinking water. Authorities found signs of tampering on a well and initiated a criminal investigation. Additional tests are underway to confirm the finding. Initially, the cannabis community said contamination is unlikely since THC is not soluble in water.

Screening stations have been set up for residents and water is being trucked in. Hugo, a town of about 750 on the state's eastern plains, does not have any marijuana businesses.

LA Weekly looks at how legalization  could change employer drug testing  policies. The California Supreme Court has ruled that a MED card does not allow employees to be high on the job, or overrule company drug testing policies. In the future, the piece notes, this stance may lead to disability suits.

In California, concentrates remain a “ legal gray area.”

A random controlled study out of Holland proved that alcohol makes users more aggressive and cannabis makes them less aggressive. (Read the study here.)

Vancouver activist Dana Larsen said customers don't need prescriptions at his MED pharmacies.

Colorado has released a PSA on cannabis and pregnancy. Chronic and/or severe pain is by far the most common qualifying condition for MED.

Washington state hopes new labelling will keep kids away from edibles.

Between 2002 and 2013, it's estimated that Massachusetts crime lab chemist Annie Dookhan, who was later convicted of perjury and evidence tampering, corrupted more than 24,000 cases. Those convicted based on her work can now seek new trials. Dookhan served three years in prison.

An audit in Houston found 298 wrongful drug convictions. A researcher at the libertarian Cato Institute argues that the drug war has made policing more violent.

Operation Sabot, Canada's annual sweep for illegal outdoor grows, takes place at the end of summer. Each year it targets a different region right before the harvest.

Maryland withdrew a proposal to ban letters to prisoners (except legal correspondence). The state's prisons have been overwhelmed by Suboxone, an opioid available in sublingual strips that prisoners receive in envelopes.

If California legalizes, what will happen to people in prison for marijuana offenses? Missouri governor Jay Nixon (D), signed a law that will make it easier for marijuana offenders to get their records expunged.

A bill in the U.S. Senate would protect the families of children with epilepsy from prosecution if they obtain CBD treatments.

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Monday 25 July 2016

Italy Votes Today on Marijuana Legalization

cannabis_stock_image_photo_by_lindsey_bartlett_5_Lindsey Bartlett

The Italian Parliament is gathering today to discuss a proposal for marijuana legalization. If passed, the bill on the table - similar to the proposal Colorado voters passed in 2012 - would allow the cultivation, possession and use of marijuana. Italian citizens over the age of eighteen would be allowed to grow as many as five plants for personal use, have up to fifteen grams of marijuana in their homes and possess a maximum of five grams in public. It would also authorize “cannabis clubs,” where up to fifty people could gather and smoke together.

Cannabis would be taxed at a rate of 5 percent; the government would issue licenses allowing the cultivation of marijuana with the intention for it to be sold for recreational purposes. The tax would be used to fund Italy's effort to crack down on illegal drug trafficking.

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Watch: Lil Wayne storms off stage at High Times Medical Concentrates Cup

Pot-concert poster child (and we mean child in every sense of the word here) Lil Wayne threw a tantrum of epic proportions.

Friday 22 July 2016

Cannabist Show: He makes edibles; Her biz creates edible safety symbols

Featured guests: Americanna CEO Dan Anglin and Baked Smart COO Leah D'Ambrosio. We're talking marijuana edibles, a universal symbol for THC and more.

Pot Prohibitionists Sheila Polk and Seth Leibsohn Flee Questions About Their Anti-Legalization Lawsuit


polk-leibsohn-fleeing-questionsRay Stern | Toke of the Town

Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk and talk-show host Seth Leibsohn don't want Arizonans to be able to decide whether marijuana should remain a felony-level drug or become as legal as beer.

But following a brief hearing regarding the lawsuit they filed seeking to nullify a measure widely expected to appear on ballots this November, they didn't care to elaborate for the edification of New Times readers.

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Hugo water: Test results coming soon amid THC worries

Authorities say conclusive test results on the town of Hugo's water supply should be completed by early Friday afternoon amid a suspected THC contamination of a well.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Colorado town finds THC in its drinking water, issues warning

A town on Colorado's Eastern Plains is warning its residents not to drink, bathe or cook with its water because officials said evidence was found of THC, the active psychoactive compound in marijuana.

Luxury Apartment for Rent in Scottsdale (Vagina-Bong Not Included)

vagina-bong-apartment-roomScottsdale Police

Samuel Oliphant of Scottsdale was kicked out of his luxury apartment last week, days after a hazmat team found the place trashed, toxic, and just plain gross.

Scottsdale Police Department photographs of the interior of Oliphant's former crib, obtained by New Times through a public-records request, reveal a garbage-filled drug den reminiscent of a hoarder's home: a place where a paranoid user of marijuana and other drugs concocted (or attempted to, anyway) distillations or recipes or … something.

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Maryland pro-pot lawmaker says 'in hindsight' he should have disclosed biz ties

Dan Morhaim cleared his involvement with state ethics officials. But he never said publicly that he was part of a team applying for a medical marijuana license.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Exclusive: Willie Nelson dishes on selling Willie's Reserve cannabis in Free America

Willie Nelson's much-hyped marijuana brand Willie's Reserve will debut in Washington state pot shops this month and in Colorado marijuana stores in August, Nelson's team told The Cannabist exclusively.

Dear Stoner: Does the Pot Industry Need Civil Engineers?


Dear Stoner: My dad has expressed an interest in getting in on all this marijuana business; as a supportive daughter, I'm wondering if there is any opportunity for a veteran civil engineer in the industry.


Dear Marisa: Your dad is probably overqualified for 99.5 percent of the jobs in the marijuana industry at the moment - but he could still find ways to use his skills, and there may be more opportunities in the future. Depending on what sort of civil engineer he was/is, he could help design the exteriors of grow houses. With all of the energy that hydroponic systems use in warehouses, I'm sure commercial growers and environmentalists alike would be interested in maximizing efficiency and minimizing energy use.

State-of-the-art grow warehouses will be more in demand as other states legalize pot. And if the federal government ever reclassifies it, big business will get involved - and will need people like your dad to make sure it's not wasting money. If this whole legal-weed thing stays around long enough, businesses might even want to invest in artistic or sustainable cultivation operations, similar to what breweries and wineries do. How cool would it be to become the Frank Lloyd Wright of commercial pot cultivation?

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Tuesday 19 July 2016

Four doctors suspended over medical pot plant counts

Four Colorado doctors had their licenses suspended Tuesday after the state Board of Medicine alleged the doctors improperly recommended excessive plant counts to more than 1,500 medical marijuana patients.

Pot Use During Pregnancy May Affect Brain Development, Study

The question of use by women who are expecting heats up.

Excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at

A study suggests that cannabis use during pregnancy affects brain development. More Colorado newborns are testing positive for THC.

Thirty-three were hospitalized in Brooklyn, for suspected synthetic cannabis (“K2”) overdoses in the area around a subway stop.

The National Institutes of Health sent out a request for information about varieties of marijuana and their possible research value.

Check out this chart which illustrates last week's remarkable finding that drug prescriptions are falling in MED states.

Project CBD published a CBD Users Manual. It's one of the better ones I've seen.

Cannabis allergies are climbing.

The big move by Scotts Miracle-Grow into cannabis is dividing the industry.

Buzzfeed makes the case that Facebook and Google's cannabis policy enforcement is a mess.

The U.K.'s GW Pharmaceuticals which has seen its stock soar on data from its cannabis-based drug Epidiolex, plans to raise $252 million on the Nasdaq exchange with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch shepherding the deal.

Business attorney Hilary Bricken lays out  six weed scams  for investors and others to watch out for.

Compliance at Millennium Bank, a community bank in Des Plaines, Ill. is reportedly under scrutiny from state and federal authorities for working with marijuana companies.

Whitney Hobbs, a founder of Oregon distributor Highly Distributed, has sued CEO Christopher Mallott for sexual harassment that led to her departure from the company. She says he groped and smelled her. The company declined to comment but an employee refuted Hobbs' claims.

Cannabis sales continue to climb in Colorado and support the state's economy. See here for more.

A glimpse of the future? A group of Colorado's largest craft breweries, led a break-up of the Colorado Brewers Guild to form a new group called Craft Beer Colorado. The split follows an overhaul of state alcohol laws.

Analyst Alan Brochstein writes that Canada's pot policies make more sense than America's.

Former NORML head Allen St. Pierre joined a publicly-traded consultancy called Freedom Leaf.

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Monday 18 July 2016

Officers in notorious video of California pot shop raid are off police force

Three Santa Ana Police Department officers caught eating snacks during a raid on a marijuana dispensary with two of them making fun of a disabled woman are no longer working for the agency.

Dem, GOP Platforms Split on Weed

Voters will have a clear choice in November.

The following is excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at

The Democratic Party Platform states “We encourage the federal government to remove marijuana from its list as a Class 1 Federal Controlled Substance, providing a reasoned pathway for future legalization.” The Washington Post describes the language as a nod to Bernie Sanders.

For its platform, the Republican Party rejected language supporting MED. It was proposed by Dale Jackson, a GOP delegate from Georgia with an autistic son. Another delegate said mass-shooters are, “young boys from divorced families, and they're all smoking pot.”

Donald Trump's vice presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) opposed reducing marijuana penalties in 2013.

The Cannabist released its 2016 election guide.

The industry-loathed “ potency amendment” will not be on the Colorado ballot. Frank McNulty (R), a former speaker of the Colorado House and supporter of the measure said the industry paid signature gathering firms to not gather signatures. “Without [signature gathering companies]we didn't have the ability to get it to the ballot,”McNulty said.

An industry spokesman denied the accusation andThe Denver Post editorial page finds it “dubious.” “ Big marijuana trashes democratic process,” the Colorado Springs Gazette editorializes.

Campaign filings released on August 1 will clarify what happened. (An email query from WeedWeek was not returned.)

The Amendment would have banned products with higher than 16% THC, which account for 80% of cannabis products in Colorado. “Make no mistake,” the Post writes, “139 was an anti-pot measure designed to gut the industry. And it'll be back.”

With industry support, California plans to regulate water use by growers.

Hezekiah Allen, executive director of the California Growers Association, explains his ambivalence about California's upcoming Adult Use of Marijuana Act vote: “The initiative is decidedly more friendly to big business and will lead to rapid consolidation of the industry. This is an avoidable and undesirable outcome.” (See the initiative's exact language here.)

Montanans will vote on a measure to expand the state's MED program. L.A. County voters will decide on a marijuana business tax to benefit the homeless. The L.A. Times tells government officials, “Legal marijuana should not be seen as the solution to your revenue problems.”

A federal judge rejected the claim that current federal laws are “so arbitrary and irrational as to be unconstitutional.” The complaint was brought by Charles and Alexander Green, two Californian brothers accused of trafficking.

A proposed MED measure in North Dakota would be too expensive, the state health department said. The Pennsylvania legislature approved growing hemp for research.

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Hawaii hangup: Lack of labs delays medical pot shops

Hawaii medical marijuana dispensaries can now legally open, but not one is ready to do so.

Friday 15 July 2016

This city needs a new $7 million civic center. Marijuana taxes to the rescue?

This may not be the city that cannabis built, but Colorado's most famous cash crop could soon be the driving force behind construction of a $7 million, 40,000-square-foot civic center in this tiny community wedged between Lakewood and Denver.

Cannabist Show: He has hearts for hemp; She covers U.S. weed news

Featured guests are NoCo Hemp Expo founder Morris Beegle and Cannabist national policy and business reporter Alicia Wallace. Discussing hemp hitting its stride and the upcoming November election.

420 Yoga Retreat With Yogi D Could Be the Cure for Modern Stress

Yogi D and his dog want to teach you a thing or two about cannabis and yoga practice.420 Yoga Retreats

Yogi D and his dog want to teach you a thing or two about cannabis and yoga practice.

Yogi D has a solution to the nation's “stress epidemic”: a weed-and-yoga retreat in Aspen from September 30 through October 2 called the 420 Yoga Retreat. A 25-year yoga veteran who was dubbed “America's relaxation expert” by CNN, Yogi D has just recently come out of the dark as a cannabis user. All stereotypes of the “lazy stoner” went up in smoke as the influential and respected yoga instructor admitted to the world that he has been pairing yoga and cannabis for the past twenty years.

“For this retreat, we want to reach the state of our dogs. Be in the moment, love unconditionally, playful, no judgment, love and care,” says Yogi D. “The crazy thing about yoga is, I've been doing it for 25 years, and I feel like a total beginner. I get more than my students. I get a state of bliss from teaching. I am a yoga addict, that's for sure.”

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Thursday 14 July 2016

Definitive guide to marijuana on the 2016 ballot

A state-by-state rundown of the recreational and medical marijuana ballot initiatives going before voters in November 2016.

Fact: Pharma companies are fighting legal marijuana. This chart shows why

Pharmaceutical companies have also lobbied federal agencies directly to prevent the liberalization of marijuana laws.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Denver's unique Marijuana Management Symposium will return in October 2016

The city of Denver will again host its Marijuana Management Symposium for other governments charged with "implementing marijuana policies and regulations."

Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Prescription Drug Use, Medicare Spending

Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Prescription Drug Use, Medicare Spending | Paul Armentano

The enactment of statewide medicinal cannabis laws is associated with a quantifiable decline in the use of traditional prescription drugs, according to data published in the July edition of the scientific journal Health Affairs. Investigators at the University of Georgia assessed the relationship between medical marijuana legalization laws and physicians' prescribing patterns in 17 states […]

Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Prescription Drug Use, Medicare Spending | The Daily Chronic

Why Do Cops Hate Marijuana Legalization?

The marijuana legalization initiative that will be on the November ballot in California is a disappointment to many in the cannabis decriminalization movement. California NORML, the granddaddy of political pot groups, has not fully endorsed it.

These critics say that Proposition 64, which will allow Californians 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana, is about as conservative as it could be without defeating the very purpose of legalization, which is allowing folks to enjoy weed without fear of arrest.

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Tuesday 12 July 2016

Google Contacts Big Pot Company

Big-money investors are starting to see the upside in going “green.”elbud /

Big-money investors are starting to see the upside in going “green.”

Following Microsoft's recent partnership with Kind Financial, Google may want to go green as well. John Lord, CEO of LivWell, a large vertically-integrated producer in Colorado, said the search giant had reached out to him. (On The Cannabist Show, Lord discusses the implications of industry-hated tax provision 280E.)

Venture capitalists are shaking off the stigma. The Bloomberg article contains the tidbit that New York's health department uses Oracle software to monitor its MED program.

Jim Hagedorn, CEO of publicly-traded Scotts Miracle-Gro, said he want's to “Invest, like, half a billion in the pot business…It is the biggest thing I've ever seen in lawn and garden.” Since 2015, Scotts has spent $255M acquiring companies that make soil, fertilizers, lighting and hydroponics. He pledges to invest $150M more this year.

Ohio is considering a cashless system - think pre-paid debit cards - for its newly legalized MED industry.

Colorado company Helix TCS acquired online wholesale platform Cannabase for an undisclosed sum. Wholesale prices are falling fast in Colorado.

Stock in Insys Therapeutics jumped after the FDA approved its cannabis-derived drug.

According to the Tampa Tribune, there are  15,000 businesses nationwide  providing ancillary products and services to the cannabis industry.

The Verdes Foundation is the  highest-grossing producer  in New Mexico. (The state's MED industry is non-profit.) MED dispensaries in Hawaii can open next week but  most aren't ready .

NORML executive director Allen St. Pierre reportedly resigned after 24 years. He will remain on the organization's board. His interim replacement is treasurer Randy Quast.

Excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at

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Arizona anti-marijuana campaign going to 'great lengths' against legalization

Opponents of the campaign to legalize Arizona marijuana for recreational use filed a lawsuit asking a judge to bar the initiative from the November ballot.

Monday 11 July 2016

Democratic Party endorses 'pathway' to legalization in its marijuana platform

The Democratic Party endorsed a "reasoned pathway to future legalization" of marijuana and called for the drug to be downgraded in the Controlled Substances Act.

Executive Director Allen St. Pierre Resigns from NORML

Executive Director Allen St. Pierre Resigns from NORML | Keith Stroup

After 14 years serving as Deputy Director of NORML under three different Executive Directors, followed by 11 years as Executive Director, Allen F. St. Pierre has tendered his resignation to the NORML board of directors, effective July 15th. St. Pierre, a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, had come to Washington, DC a quarter of […]

Executive Director Allen St. Pierre Resigns from NORML | The Daily Chronic

Democratic Party endorses 'pathway' to legalization

The Democratic Party endorsed a "reasoned pathway to future legalization" of marijuana and called for the drug to be downgraded in the Controlled Substances Act.

Police Mistake Pokémon GO Players for Drug Dealers

Last week's release of Pokémon GO, the augmented reality mobile game that allows players to capture virtual Pokémon in the real world, has led to a slew of bizarre incidents, from a Wyoming teen stumbling upon a dead body to armed robbers using the game ...

Jared Hoffman on The Stoner's Coloring Book and How Coloring Can Enhance Your High

coloringbookPenguin Random House

With The Stoner's Coloring Book, Jared Hoffman has created the first adult coloring book designed specifically with stoners in mind. Hoffman, a graduate of Cornell University now living in Brooklyn, worked with artists around the world to compiled over forty illustrations designed for “high-minded” individuals. Hoffman's goal was not just to create a fun, creative outlet, however, but also to provide a tool to inspire an open discussion of marijuana and legalization.

Westword recently talked with Hoffman about his just-released book, the artists behind it, and how a coloring book might help bring us closer to national legalization.

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Sunday 10 July 2016

Denver Mayor Blames Weed for “Urban Travelers”

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (D)  blames legal weed for the “urban travelers” who have caused violent episodes on Denver's 16th Street Mall, the city's main pedestrian thoroughfare. Recently, a 32-year old Indiana man was arrested after video showed him attacking pedestrians with lengths of PVC pipe. It's not clear whether he was high at the time. Other recent incidents, also caught on video, have seen arrests after attacks and aggressive panhandling.

New research shows that legal states have seen a drop in Medicare prescriptions for anti-depressants and opiods, and a corresponding reduction in Medicare costs. Prescriptions did not drop for drugs like blood-thinners that can't plausibly be replaced with MED. See the study here.

If California legalizes REC in November, it could influence federal policy on banking and other issues.Regulators in the state said they will  start inspecting dispensary scales  to ensure that customers are getting their money's worth.

Massachusetts' REC initiative will be on the ballot in November. Gov. Charlie Baker (R), Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) and Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo (D) have banded together to oppose it.

Arkansas voters will decide on a MED initiative.

Fortune sees signs of a backlash in Colorado.

Murders in California's Lake County, a center of growing, reached a 10-year high of eight last year.

Donna Weinholtz, wife of Utah gubernatorial candidate Mike Weinholtz (D), is under federal investigationrelated to her MED use.

The rules for Alaska's pot café's are under review. Voters in the state's Matanuska-Susitna Borough will decide on a commercial ban in the fall.

Former Liberal Party deputy prime minister Anne McLellan will lead Canada's nine-member legalization task force. McLellan is a former law professor at the University of Alberta. Canada's legal purchasing agemay vary across provinces, but the government wants a consistent national law on DUI.

Both LSU and Southern University are exercising their option to grow Louisiana's MED supply.

Excerpted from the newsletter WeedWeek. Get your free and confidential subscription at

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Friday 8 July 2016

New Study Says Marijuana Could Help Protect the Brain From Alzheimer's Disease

David Schubert, the senior author of the Salk Institute study on THC and Alzheimer's disease.Courtesy of the Salk Institute

David Schubert, the senior author of the Salk Institute study on THC and Alzheimer's disease.

A new study suggests that marijuana may have potential for protecting brain cells against Alzheimer's disease.

Published in the June 2016 issue of Nature, the study found that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, and other active cannabis compounds could block the progression of the disease.

Lab tests by the Salk Institute, a Southern California, non-profit research organization, showed that marijuana compounds could remove harmful amyloid beta proteins, the plaque that accumulates on brain cells, which is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. The compounds in the study also significantly reduced cellular inflammation, a major contributor to the onset of the disease.

For more on the study, read L.A. Weekly's article on the effect of marijuana on Alzheimer's disease.

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Inside New Marijuana Regulations That Change Fees, Reclassify Grow Houses

New regulations for medical and recreational marijuana businesses will go into effect today.

Renewal fees for medical marijuana licenses have decreased, and the way in which retail marijuana grow facilities are categorized has changed to be more specific; plant numbers are broken into smaller unit sizes.

Overall, it's now more expensive to set up a dispensary that serves medical patients rather than one that sells only recreational cannabis. Initial application fees for medical centers range in cost from $6,000 to $14,000 and are separated into three tiers. After the initial application fee, businesses must pay additional licensing fees that need to be renewed annually.

The post Inside New Marijuana Regulations That Change Fees, Reclassify Grow Houses appeared first on Toke of the Town.

The new trend in pot shops? Savvy, high-end store design

Pot shops across America are getting some work done – and sometimes an entire facelift, with a focus on customer education and sleek design.

Grow Q&A: Should I Re-Pot My Root-Bound Pot Plants?

Have questions about growing cannabis? Our own cultivation expert, DannyDanko, is here to help with all of your marijuana grow concerns. Today's question is about re-potting root-bound plants.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Cannabist Show: She leads Denver NORML; She captures the culture

Featured guests: Denver NORML leader Jordan Person and Cannabis Camera owner Kim Sidwell. We're talking Denver marijuana laws and cultural evolution.

Action Bronson's Favorite Bucatini Pasta with Sour Diesel

Enjoy this simple Italian dish bursting with fresh flavors and spiked with THC olive oil.

It's official: Arkansas will vote on medical marijuana in November

A proposal to legalize medical marijuana in Arkansas qualified for the November ballot on Thursday, putting the issue before the state's voters for the second time in four years.

Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act Makes the 2016 Ballot

Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act Makes the 2016 Ballot | Press Release

LITTLE ROCK, AR - A citizen-driven initiative that would allow Arkansas doctors to recommend medical cannabis for sick and dying patients will be on the November ballot. Mark Martin, the Secretary of State, confirmed today that Arkansans for Compassionate Care (ACC) collected 77,516 valid signatures-more than enough to place the Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act on the […]

Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act Makes the 2016 Ballot | The Daily Chronic

Wednesday 6 July 2016

CEO of Scotts Miracle-Gro: Pot 'biggest thing' ever

Scotts Miracle-Gro CEO Jim Hagedorn tells Forbes he plans to invest $500 million to lure more customers who are growing marijuana at home or commercially.

2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup: Top 10 Hybrid Flowers

We had lots of gorgeous entries in the Hybrid Flower Category at the 2016 NorCal Medical Cannabis Cup. Here's which ones made it into our Top 10.

Social pot use: Designated areas or private cannabis clubs?

NORML's Denver chapter is gathering signatures for private pot clubs; another group proposes “consumption areas” in any business that has neighborhood backing.

Kentucky: Industrial Hemp has Growing Market Potential

Kentucky: Industrial Hemp has Growing Market Potential | Guest Author

FRANKFORT, KY - More than half of Kentucky's industrial hemp crop this year can be traced to nineteen counties, 58 farmers and one company in Winchester. With 23,000 pounds of imported hemp seed destined for 2,466 acres, Atalo Holdings is a superpower in hemp production and processing in Kentucky. Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy (GOAP) […]

Kentucky: Industrial Hemp has Growing Market Potential | The Daily Chronic

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Cannabist Show: He's a marijuana mogul; He protects the industry

LivWell Enlightened Health owner John Lord and Blueline Protection Group CCO & COO Ricky Bennett. We're talking marijuana industry growth and keeping it safe.

Monday 4 July 2016

HIGH TIMES Legislative Roundup: July 4

The fight to legalize marijuana in the United States made some significant strides last week. Ballot measures in California and Maine were certified for the November ballot, while another in Arizona is expected to be given the green light in the next month. Other highligh...

More Minnesota medical marijuana clinics means less driving for patients

The final two of eight Minnesota medical marijuana dispensaries will open July 1, just ahead of an expansion that could bring thousands more patients.

More Minnesota medical marijuana clinics means less driving for patients

The final two of eight Minnesota medical marijuana dispensaries will open July 1, just ahead of an expansion that could bring thousands more patients.