Thursday 31 March 2016

Cannabist Show: He's a concentrates wiz; He's CEO of vape giant OpenVape

Featured guests: Columnist Ry Prichard and OpenVape CEO Ralph Morgan. Talking Colorado pot potency, cannabis concentrates and more.

FAMM Celebrates 25 Years of Fighting to Change Mandatory Minimum Laws

Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) celebrates 25 years of fighting to eliminate harsh sentencing laws.

Cannabist Show: He's a concentrates wiz; He's CEO of vape giant OpenVape

Featured guests: Columnist Ry Prichard and OpenVape CEO Ralph Morgan. Talking Colorado pot potency, cannabis concentrates and more.

FAMM Celebrates 25 Years of Fighting to Change Mandatory Minimum Laws

Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) celebrates 25 years of fighting to eliminate harsh sentencing laws.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne to headline big Denver 420 Rally at Civic Center

Multiplatinum rappers Wiz Khalifa and Lil Wayne will headline the 2016 Denver 420 Rally, organizers announced this week.

Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne to headline big Denver 420 Rally at Civic Center

Multiplatinum rappers Wiz Khalifa and Lil Wayne will headline the 2016 Denver 420 Rally, organizers announced this week.

Vermont Governor Critical of Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Vermont Governor Critical of Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, who has encouraged lawmakers in his own state to pass a bill to legalize recreational marijuana for adults, had some critical words about a proposed ballot initiative to do the same in a neighboring state. In a blog post earlier this week, Shumlin says that now is the right time for Vermont to […]

Vermont Governor Critical of Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative | The Daily Chronic

Businesses in Massachusetts Warn Against Marijuana Legalization

A new survey from the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM)foundthat 62 percent of businesses in the state oppose legalizing cannabis. Massachusetts's voters will decide on whether to legalize personal cannabis consumption in November through a ball...

Vermont Governor Critical of Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Vermont Governor Critical of Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, who has encouraged lawmakers in his own state to pass a bill to legalize recreational marijuana for adults, had some critical words about a proposed ballot initiative to do the same in a neighboring state. In a blog post earlier this week, Shumlin says that now is the right time for Vermont to […]

Vermont Governor Critical of Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative | The Daily Chronic

Businesses in Massachusetts Warn Against Marijuana Legalization

A new survey from the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM)foundthat 62 percent of businesses in the state oppose legalizing cannabis. Massachusetts's voters will decide on whether to legalize personal cannabis consumption in November through a ball...

Tuesday 29 March 2016

How the Government Reinforces America's Biggest Legal Drug Threat

The government's linguistic distinction to separate alcohol from drugs is obviously aimed at evoking a negative connotation of drugs and an acceptable one for alcohol, regardless of the latter's devastating health outcomes.

How the Government Reinforces America's Biggest Legal Drug Threat

The government's linguistic distinction to separate alcohol from drugs is obviously aimed at evoking a negative connotation of drugs and an acceptable one for alcohol, regardless of the latter's devastating health outcomes.

Monday 28 March 2016

High Buy: High & Mighty Herbal Infuser

This article is sponsored byThe Herbal Infuser

High Buy: High & Mighty Herbal Infuser

This article is sponsored byThe Herbal Infuser

Is Colorado pot too potent? Plans limit THC at 16 percent

A proposed ballot initiative and an amendment to a bill in the state House would cap the THC potency of recreational cannabis and marijuana products at a percentage below most of those products’ current averages. The initiative would limit the potency of “marijuana and marijuana products” to 15 percent or 16 percent THC.

Our Recent Supreme Court Victory and What It Means

Our Recent Supreme Court Victory and What It Means

The recent decision by the US Supreme Court to refuse to hear a challenge to the Colorado marijuana legalization law was a significant victory for those who favor legalizing marijuana and a significant set-back for those who thought the federal courts might help them hold on to the increasingly unpopular policy of criminal prohibition. The […]

Our Recent Supreme Court Victory and What It Means | The Daily Chronic

Is Colorado pot too potent? Plans limit THC at 16 percent

A proposed ballot initiative and an amendment to a bill in the state House would cap the THC potency of recreational cannabis and marijuana products at a percentage below most of those products’ current averages. The initiative would limit the potency of “marijuana and marijuana products” to 15 percent or 16 percent THC.

Our Recent Supreme Court Victory and What It Means

Our Recent Supreme Court Victory and What It Means

The recent decision by the US Supreme Court to refuse to hear a challenge to the Colorado marijuana legalization law was a significant victory for those who favor legalizing marijuana and a significant set-back for those who thought the federal courts might help them hold on to the increasingly unpopular policy of criminal prohibition. The […]

Our Recent Supreme Court Victory and What It Means | The Daily Chronic

Saturday 26 March 2016

Ohio Attorney General Certifies Medical Marijuana Initiative

Ohio Attorney General Certifies Medical Marijuana Initiative

COLUMBUS, OH — Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine notified Ohioans for Medical Marijuana on Friday that he has certified the summary of the group’s proposed ballot initiative to establish a comprehensive medical marijuana program and submitted it to the Ohio Secretary of State. The attorney general confirmed the group submitted at least 1,000 valid signatures of […]

Ohio Attorney General Certifies Medical Marijuana Initiative | The Daily Chronic

Friday 25 March 2016

City of Denver changing how it polices pesticide use on marijuana

More than a year after Denver started actively policing the marijuana industry's use of pesticides, the city's health department is changing its enforcement procedures.

PIX OF THE CROP: 03.25.16

Our favorite reader submitted photos for the week of March 25, 2016.

New Orleans Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession

New Orleans Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession

NEW ORLEANS, LA — Get busted down on Bourbon Street for a small amount of marijuana and chances are you won’t be going to jail, as New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu has signed into law an ordinance to decriminalize marijuana possession in the Big Easy. On Wednesday, Landrieu signed into law Ordinance #31,148, which will become Sec. 54-505 […]

New Orleans Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession | The Daily Chronic

Thursday 24 March 2016

'High Profits' budtender Lauren Hoover dies after coma

Lauren Hoover, the fitness-loving budtender from the CNN docuseries “High Profits,” died Wednesday after being in a coma for three weeks, according to a representative from St. Anthony Hospital in Lakewood.

Top Nixon Adviser: Drug War was Policy Tool to Go After Anti-War Protesters and Black People

Top Nixon Adviser: Drug War was Policy Tool to Go After Anti-War Protesters and Black People

A decades old quote from President Nixon’s administration is making front page news and being shared widely around the web. The quote from John Ehrlichman, who served as President Richard Nixon’s domestic policy chief gained new notoriety after appearing in a cover story in Harper’s Magazine by author Dan Baum. “You want to know what […]

Top Nixon Adviser: Drug War was Policy Tool to Go After Anti-War Protesters and Black People | The Daily Chronic

Cannabist Show: He's Adam Carolla; He teaches cannabis journalism

Featured guests: Comedian Adam Carolla and University of Denver professor Andrew Matranga. Talking California marijuana legalization, cannabis journalism & more.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Top Nixon adviser: We invented the war on drugs to vilify blacks, hippies

Top Nixon adviser John Ehrlichman confessed before his death: 'The Nixon White House ... had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people ... Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Lt. Gov. Newsom Wants Californians to Support Marijuana Initiative, But Will It Lose the Stoner Vote?

While the fight to drag California out of the clutches of prohibition has been ugly and borderline slanderous,a recent editorialby Lieutenant Governor GavinNewsomsuggests the “Adult Use of Marijuana Act” (AUMA) is the smartest approach ...

Access to Medical Marijuana Leads to Decreased Opioid Use in Chronic Pain Patients, Study Finds

Access to Medical Marijuana Leads to Decreased Opioid Use in Chronic Pain Patients, Study Finds

Chronic pain patients with legal access to medicinal cannabis significantly decrease their use of opioids, according to data published online ahead of print in The Journal of Pain. Investigators at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor conducted a retrospective survey of 244 chronic pain patients. All of the subjects in the survey were qualified under […]

Access to Medical Marijuana Leads to Decreased Opioid Use in Chronic Pain Patients, Study Finds | The Daily Chronic

Tuesday 22 March 2016

80-year-old pot dealer with wild life story gets 10 years in prison

An 80-year-old man who ran a sprawling marijuana-dealing operation that covered several states, with records going back to 1992, was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

High Horoscopes | Mar. 22, 2016

The HIGH TIMES weekly astrological forecast, complete with strain recommendations!

AskAelieanything! Find her onFacebookandTwitter.

Monday 21 March 2016

Marijuana Lawsuit Against Colorado Rejected by SCOTUS

Marijuana Lawsuit Against Colorado Rejected by SCOTUS

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a request to hear a lawsuit Nebraska and Oklahoma brought against Colorado’s marijuana legalization law, a rare case falling under the Court’s original jurisdiction to hear lawsuits between states. In 2012, Colorado voted to legalize marijuana production, sales, and consumption for adults, but Attorneys General in […]

Marijuana Lawsuit Against Colorado Rejected by SCOTUS | The Daily Chronic

Grow Hack: Prevent Mold During Growth, Curing and Storage

Mold afflicts cannabis to such an incredible degree that an entire subspecies of the plant had to evolve with a different anatomy to prevent mold growth. How ubiquitous is mold in cannabis? It’s roughly as common as under-cured pot, which means very common. Check ou...

State recalls pot grown by La Conte's Clone Bar over banned pesticide use

In Colorado's 13th pesticide-based recall of marijuana in less than a month, 23 batches of pot grown by La Conte's Clone Bar are put on hold.

Friday 18 March 2016

How to Avoid Bad Dabs: A Guide

Not all dabs are created equal … here’s a guide to the not-so-great concentrates.

New Orleans City Council Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Ordinance

New Orleans City Council Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Ordinance

NEW ORLEANS, LA — In a unanimous vote Thursday, the New Orleans City Council approved an ordinance that will allow police to cite, rather than arrest, offenders caught possessing small amounts of marijuana in the city, including repeat offenders.  The measure now goes to Mayor Mitch Landrieu for final approval. Ordinance #31,148, which would become Sec. 54-505 of […]

New Orleans City Council Passes Marijuana Decriminalization Ordinance | The Daily Chronic

Why Adam Carolla thinks Californians will say no to recreational pot in 2016

We talked with Adam Carolla about his relationship with weed, his feelings about recreational marijuana's chances in California's November vote and more.

Thursday 17 March 2016

High Horoscopes | Mar. 17, 2016

The HIGH TIMES weekly astrological forecast, complete with strain recommendations!

AskAelieanything! Find her onFacebookandTwitter.

Do 'Broad City' stars Abbi Jacobson, Ilana Glazer smoke real weed on set?

Someone asked 'Broad City' stars Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson: "What percentage of weed smoked on 'Broad City' is real?" Here's their answer.

Pennsylvania House Approves Comprehensive Medical Marijuana Bill

Pennsylvania House Approves Comprehensive Medical Marijuana Bill

HARRISBURG, PA — The Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved a bill Wednesday (149-43) that would allow residents suffering from debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it. The House-amended version of SB 3 will now go back to the Senate for approval. The Senate approved the original bill 40-7 in May 2015. The […]

Pennsylvania House Approves Comprehensive Medical Marijuana Bill | The Daily Chronic

Wednesday 16 March 2016

600 law enforcement officers in Denver to learn more about marijuana

More than 600 law enforcement officers, a third of them from outside Colorado, are in Denver to learn about challenges that legalization of marijuana has caused law enforcement.

Pennsylvania House Votes 149-43 to Pass Medical Marijuana Bill

Pennsylvania House Votes 149-43 to Pass Medical Marijuana Bill

HARRISBURG, PA — Pennsylvania is poised to become the 24th US state, plus the District of Columbia, to legalize medical marijuana. After a long, emotional debate following several days considering amendments, lawmakers in the Republican-controlled Pennsylvania House voted 149 to 43 Wednesday evening to approve a bi-partisan bill to allow medical marijuana in the state. The bill, Senate Bill 3, […]

Pennsylvania House Votes 149-43 to Pass Medical Marijuana Bill | The Daily Chronic

Canadian Pot Activist Pledges to Give Away A Million Pot Seeds

Dana Larsen, well-known Canadianpot activist, author and politician, has pledged to send free pot seeds to anyone who wants to plant a cannabis “victory garden” this spring.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Battle brewing on when to implement severe Montana pot restrictions

Severe medical marijuana restrictions that would force the closure of large dispensaries should go into effect no more than 49 days after the Montana Supreme Court upheld a disputed 2011 state law, an attorney for the Department of Justice said Tuesday.

Cannabis & Anthocyanins: A Closer Look at the Color Purple in Cannabis

Cannabis & Anthocyanins, the science behind the color purple in our buds.

Monday 14 March 2016

Q&A: Why this Ivy League doctor believes in cannabis

Ivy League doctor-professor David Casarett understands and believes in marijuana's true medical promise, and here's why he wants it rescheduled.

Vermont Legislature On Track to be First in US to Legalize Marijuana

Vermont Legislature On Track to be First in US to Legalize Marijuana

MONTPELIER, VT — Liberal-leaning Vermont could become the first U.S. state to legalize recreational marijuana use through legislation, rather than by voter initiative, in a move that advocates for the drug say could speed its acceptance across the nation. State representatives this month are set to take up a bill passed by the state Senate […]

Vermont Legislature On Track to be First in US to Legalize Marijuana | The Daily Chronic

HIGH TIMES Legislative Roundup: March 14

It was a week full of ups and downs in the fight to reform marijuana laws in the United States. Some of the most promising news comes from New Hampshire, where a bill aimed at decriminalizing pot possession is advancing nicely through the state legislature. There was also...

Sunday 13 March 2016

Gearing up for 4/20: Tokin T-Shirts for the High Holidaze

Gearing up for 4/20: Tokin T-Shirts for the High Holidaze

The annual unofficial stoner holiday April 20, aka 4/20, will be here before you know it. If you’re looking to gear up for a stoner celebration, pot party, or legalization rally for the High Holidaze, check out these fun t-shirts, available from various online merchants. Most of the designs can be ordered on a variety […]

Gearing up for 4/20: Tokin T-Shirts for the High Holidaze | The Daily Chronic

Saturday 12 March 2016

311 Celebrate Their Day By Announcing U.S. Cannabis Cup Appearance

311 announced on March 11 that members NickHexumand P-Nut would be hosting the 2016 HIGH TIMES U.S. Cannabis Cup Awards ceremony at the NOS Event Center in San Bernardino, CA on April 17.

Time Runs Out on Medical Marijuana Expansion in Utah; Supporters Focus on 2018 Ballot Iniatitive

SALT LAKE CITY, UT — Lawmakers in Utah have adjourned for the year without passing any of the pending proposals to expand access to medical marijuana products in the state. Although two bills to expand Utah’s extremely limited medical marijuana program were approved by the Senate in February, those measures died in the House this week when a […]

Time Runs Out on Medical Marijuana Expansion in Utah; Supporters Focus on 2018 Ballot Iniatitive | The Daily Chronic

Friday 11 March 2016

This Ivy League doctor sees cannabis' medical promise, wants it rescheduled

Ivy League doctor-professor David Casarett understands and believes in marijuana's true medical promise, and here's why he wants it rescheduled.

Illinois Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Wins Key Senate Committee Vote

SPRINGFIELD, IL — A proposal to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana in Illinois has advanced after winning approval of the Senate’s Criminal Law Committee. The measure now moves to the floor of the Senate for a third reading and vote, which is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16. If passed, Senate Bill 2228, […]

Illinois Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Wins Key Senate Committee Vote | The Daily Chronic

Study: Cannabis’ Influence on Driving Performance Differs Significantly from That of Alcohol

Cannabis-influenced driving performance is significantly different from alcohol-induced driving behavior, according to driving simulator data published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology. Investigators with the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Iowa evaluated simulated driving performance in subjects following their consumption of vaporized cannabis, alcohol, or placebo. Researchers reported that cannabis administration […]

Study: Cannabis’ Influence on Driving Performance Differs Significantly from That of Alcohol | The Daily Chronic

Study: Marijuana’s Role in Crash Risk Often Overstated

OSLO, NORWAY — Studies estimating the likelihood of THC-positive drivers being involved in motor vehicle accidents compared to drug-free drivers often fail to adequately control for potentially confounding variables, according to a literature review published online ahead of print in the journal Addiction. Norwegian researchers reviewed more than 20 driving culpability studies, as well as two […]

Study: Marijuana’s Role in Crash Risk Often Overstated | The Daily Chronic

New pot recalls for The Farm, Headquarters over pesticides

Colorado recalled marijuana grown by two prominent Boulder County cannabis companies -- The Farm and Headquarters Cannabis Co. -- over pesticide concerns.

Commerce City issues first pot biz license; Starbuds shop in pipeline

Commerce City issued its first marijuana license earlier this week, for Lifestyle Foods Inc., a marijuana-infused products manufacturer. Pot shop Starbuds has received conditional approval.

New Hampshire House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire House of Representatives approved a bill Thursday evening in a voice vote that would remove criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana and replace them with a civil fine.  The measure will move to the Senate for consideration. House Bill 1631 would make possession of up to one-half […]

New Hampshire House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill | The Daily Chronic

Pennsylvania House to Vote Monday on Medical Marijuana Bill

HARRISBURG, PA — Ten months after the state Senate overwhelmingly voted to approve a popular bi-partisan bill to legalize non-smokable forms of medical marijuana in the Keystone State, the Pennsylvania House is finally scheduled to vote on the measure. Floor debate and a vote is expected on Monday, March 14, on Senate Bill 3.  The bill is […]

Pennsylvania House to Vote Monday on Medical Marijuana Bill | The Daily Chronic

Hickenlooper: 'Think twice' about legalizing if you're trying to lure biz

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Tuesday cautioned other states about the economic impacts of legalizing marijuana. At a conference in Dallas on public-private partnerships — like the U.S 36 expansion and toll lanes — Hickenlooper was showing a slide that said Colorado would have 22 million more millennials than baby boomers in the year 2030, when he said: "You get all those young people who do certain things that some of us oppose and aren't crazy about, like legalizing marijuana.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Esters: The Secrets Behind the Sweet Aromas of Cannabis

Cannabis Cups in the past year have seen a wave of banana and strawberry aromas that leave all the judges in awe. Common terpene profiles don’t do these strains justice, so what are these tasty strains hiding? Dabbers and vapers beware; these volatiles require extra...

Colorado cannabis sales reach $88M for January 2016

As Colorado pot sales dip after a big December, experts tout high hopes for school-bound tax revenues to top $40 million, as anticipated in the voter-approved Amendment 64.

Lawsuit Filed Challenging Disqualification of Maine Marijuana Legalization Initiative

PORTLAND, ME— Backers of an initiative to regulate marijuana like alcohol in Maine filed a lawsuit in Kennebec County Superior Court on Thursday challenging the Secretary of State’s decision to disqualify the measure from the November ballot. According to the suit, state officials improperly invalidated thousands of signatures of registered Maine voters and unlawfully denied […]

Lawsuit Filed Challenging Disqualification of Maine Marijuana Legalization Initiative | The Daily Chronic

Tuesday 8 March 2016

High Times Cannabis Cup leaves Colorado for greener lands in 2016

High Times magazine's flagship event, the U.S. Cannabis Cup, is leaving Colorado for more 420-friendly pastures in April 2016, The Cannabist has learned.

Join the #BeKind Movement and Help the Homeless

This is a sponsored article presented by The Kind Pen

Monday 7 March 2016

Florida House Passes Medical Marijuana Bill, United for Care’s Amendment 2 Still the Patients’ Choice

Despite the inability of the state to roll out a low-THC medical marijuana program for cancer and seizure patients in a timely fashion, not to mention the distinct possibility that voters will pass an initiative this November that will bring about a comprehensive medicina...

Poll Finds 82% of Illinois Voters Support Medical Marijuana

CARBONDALE, IL — More than four out of five Illinois voters support medical marijuana use, according to a new poll released Monday.  The same poll found a slim majority oppose legalizing recreational use of cannabis, however. According to the poll conducted by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 82% of Illinois […]

Poll Finds 82% of Illinois Voters Support Medical Marijuana | The Daily Chronic

Ingrid (marijuana review)

The Sleepytime tea of weed, Ingrid is a soporific strain that knocks me out faster than a heavy chunk of Ambien.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Federal Agents Seizing Far Less Marijuana At Southern Border

Is less marijuana entering the US from Mexico today than in years past? According to newly released data provided by the US Border Patrol, the answer may be ‘yes.’ Federal statistics reveal that law enforcement seized an estimated 1.5 million pounds of marijuana at the US/Mexico border in 2015. That total is the lowest amount […]

Federal Agents Seizing Far Less Marijuana At Southern Border | The Daily Chronic

Friday 4 March 2016

PIX OF THE CROP: 03.04.16

Our favorite reader submitted photos for the week of March 4, 2016.

Ohio Medical Marijuana Initiative Submitted to Attorney General’s Office

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Backers of a proposed 2016 ballot measure to establish a comprehensive medical marijuana program in Ohio submitted their initiative petition to the Ohio Attorney General on Thursday with more than 2,000 signatures. The office has 10 days to examine the official summary of the initiative and confirm the petition contains at least […]

Ohio Medical Marijuana Initiative Submitted to Attorney General’s Office | The Daily Chronic

NFL truths: How Ditka handled Bears' pot use in '80s

“Mike Ditka would say, ‘Oh, all you guys, you pot smokers,’ That’s what he’d call us," former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon said recently. McMahon has turned to medical marijuana to help him kick the prescription painkillers he used after retiring.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Mike Ditka knew his Chicago Bears players got high, says Jim McMahon

Legendary NFL coach Mike Ditka knew that some of his Chicago Bears players, including star quarterback Jim McMahon, used marijuana throughout the team's 1980s heyday, McMahon said recently.

Maine Marijuana Legalization Initiative Fails to Make Ballot Due to “Handwriting Technicality”

AUGUSTA, ME — Voters in Maine will not have the opportunity to legalize marijuana in November after a proposed initiative to end marijuana prohibition failed to qualify for the 2016 ballot. The Maine Secretary of State’s Office announced Wednesday that the proposal fell just over 10,000 signatures short, needing 61,123 valid signatures to qualify but had […]

Maine Marijuana Legalization Initiative Fails to Make Ballot Due to “Handwriting Technicality” | The Daily Chronic

10 Amazing Cannabis Bakeries

Get baked in more ways than one with these ganja goodies fresh from the oven!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Right to Film Cops in Dispute in Philly Federal Case

According to thePhilly Voice,thePennsylvania ACLUis planning to appealadecision made last month by a federal court stating that a citizen has no First Amendment right to record police activity without a specific, critical reason for doi...

Maine marijuana legalization campaign reeling after state rejection

Supporters of a voter initiative for Maine marijuana legalization have failed to collect enough valid signatures to qualify for the state ballot; an appeal of the decision is forthcoming.

Private pot clubs sought in Denver group's initiative

Denver pro-marijuana activists who hope to persuade city voters to legalize private pot clubs took the first step Monday by filing notice with the City Council.

Poll: 60% of Likely California Voters Support Initiative Effort to Legalize Adult Marijuana Use

A majority of likely California voters say that they intend to vote ‘yes’ this November for an initiative to regulate the retail production and sale of marijuana by adults, according to the results of a Probolsky Research poll released Thursday. Sixty percent of respondents say that they will vote in favor of an initiative this […]

Poll: 60% of Likely California Voters Support Initiative Effort to Legalize Adult Marijuana Use | The Daily Chronic