Sunday 31 January 2016

Maine Marijuana Legalization Campaign to Submit Signatures on Monday

FALMOUTH, ME — The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol will submit its petition to state officials on Monday in support of a ballot initiative to end marijuana prohibition in Maine. The campaign collected more than 100,000 total signatures and needs at least 61,123 valid signatures of registered Maine voters to qualify for the November ballot. […]

Maine Marijuana Legalization Campaign to Submit Signatures on Monday | The Daily Chronic

Saturday 30 January 2016

Study: Medical Marijuana Patients Often Over Age 40

BALTIMORE, MD — Patients who are registered to use medicinal cannabis in compliance with state law are often over the age of 40, according to a demographic assessment published online ahead of print in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. An investigator with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health assessed age demographics for medical […]

Study: Medical Marijuana Patients Often Over Age 40 | The Daily Chronic

2016 SoCal Medical Cannabis Cup: Day One Dan Skye View

Doors opened at high noon for the 2016 SoCal Medical Cannabis Cup and the hordes poured in to celebrate the very finest cannabis products in the great state of California.

Friday 29 January 2016

Hoping Obama will change federal pot policy? Too bad

Marijuana advocates hoping for a substantial shift in federal marijuana policy in the last year of the Obama administration are likely to be disappointed.

Nico's Nuggets: Understanding Grow Mediums & Additives

Have a question about growing marijuana? Our cannabis cultivation expert, Nico Escondido, is here to help with all of your homegrowing needs!

Thursday 28 January 2016

Grow Q&A: Can I Start My Outdoor Plants Indoors?

Have questions about growing cannabis? Our own cultivation expert, DannyDanko, is here to help with all of your marijuana grow concerns. Today's question is about starting outdoor plants indoors.

Puerto Rico starts down path of regulating medical marijuana

Puerto Rico's Health Department has adopted a regulation that will allow for the cultivation, manufacturing and distribution of medical marijuana in the U.S. territory.

Poll: DC Residents Want Regulation of Marijuana in the District

WASHINGTON, DC –A substantial majority of District residents believe Mayor Bowser should move forward with taxation and regulation of marijuana despite Congressional prohibition, according to a survey conducted over the weekend by Public Policy Polling (PPP) for the Drug Policy Alliance, DC Vote, DC Working Families and the Washington City Paper. Sixty-six percent of respondents […]

Poll: DC Residents Want Regulation of Marijuana in the District | The Daily Chronic

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Florida Voters Will Likely Get to Decide on Medical Marijuana This Year

Although Florida lawmakers approved an ultra-restrictive medical marijuana program two years ago, state health officials are still nowhere even close to organizing the regulatory affairs that are supposed to eventually allow the distribution of low-THC cannabis products t...

It's official: Florida medical marijuana will be on November 2016 ballot

A proposed constitutional amendment to allow medical use of marijuana in Florida will be back on the ballot in November 2016.

Members of Congress Urge VA to Stop Banning Docs from Recommending Medical Marijuana

WASHINGTON, DC — In a letter to Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald released Wednesday, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senate and House members urged the Department of Veterans Affairs to allow VA doctors to write medical marijuana recommendations to veterans in accordance with state laws. The letter comes four days before the expiration of a […]

Members of Congress Urge VA to Stop Banning Docs from Recommending Medical Marijuana | The Daily Chronic

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Study: Vaporizers Deliver Safe, Reliable Doses of Cannabinoids

Electronically driven vaporizers deliver cannabinoids in a relatively safe and reliable manner, according to data published in the journal PLOS ONE. Swiss investigators evaluated the ability of various types of vaporizer technologies to safely and effectively release THC and CBD (cannabidiol) in vapor. Researchers reported that electronically driven devices, which allow for precise temperature control, […]

Study: Vaporizers Deliver Safe, Reliable Doses of Cannabinoids | The Daily Chronic

Will Vermont fully legalize marijuana? Gov supports bill

Gov. Peter Shumlin and the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee have announced legislation "to cautiously and deliberately" legalize recreational marijuana in Vermont.

Cannabis Starting to Replace Coca Leaf in Colombia's Cultivation Zones

On Colombia's eastern plains, theLlanosOrientes,campesinosare starting to abandon cultivation of coca leaf for cannabis, military commanders in the region say.

Monday 25 January 2016

Marijuana Reform Advocates Launch Vermont Ad Campaign Featuring Former AG Kimberly Cheney

MONTPELIER, VT — A new television ad featuring Vermont’s former top law enforcement official speaking out in support of regulating marijuana will begin airing statewide on Tuesday, just as lawmakers are taking a close look at the issue. The ad, which can be viewed below, will appear on WCAX, CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC through […]

Marijuana Reform Advocates Launch Vermont Ad Campaign Featuring Former AG Kimberly Cheney | The Daily Chronic

Denver NORML Vows to Legalize Social Pot Use

The question of whether to allow on-site pot consumption throughout the city of Denver has been the subject of controversial debate for the past year. So far, activists and local officials have not yet been able to find a common ground to put in front of voters. It is thi...

Colorado X Games festivities: Plans for a vape party nixed

ASPEN — Snowmass revelers celebrating the upcoming 2016 X Games will not be doing so at a so-called "vape party" after police denied an event promoter's request. The Aspen Daily News reports that a promoter had asked the owner of Turks music club in Snowmass if he could hold a…

Saturday 23 January 2016

Kansas Supreme Court voids local pot law in state’s largest city

The Kansas Supreme Court has struck down a Wichita voter-approved ordinance that reduces penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana. Kansas law has no provision for statewide ballot initiatives and the Legislature has repeatedly rejected efforts in the past to liberalize marijuana laws in the state.

Friday 22 January 2016

No, Arsenio Hall will not narc on his weed-smelling Uber driver in D.C.

While in our 420-legal nation's capital this week, stand-up comic Arsenio Hall was taken aback by the "overpowering" smell of cannabis when he got into his Uber.

Georgia Lawmaker Admits Breaking the Law to Help Families Get Medical Marijuana

Known as the "Godfather of the MedicalMarijuanaMovement" in Georgia,State Rep. AllenPeakehas been breaking the law to helpfamilies in the state get access to medical marijuana.

Kansas: Hemp, CBD, Penalty Reduction Bill Being Considered

TOPEKA, KS — Lawmakers in the Kansas Senate are considering legislation, House Bill 2049, to amend various penalties and regulations specific to marijuana possession and use. Members of the House of Representatives approved the measure by a vote of 81 to 36 last year. Members of the Senate are now debating the bill. House Bill […]

Kansas: Hemp, CBD, Penalty Reduction Bill Being Considered | The Daily Chronic

Thursday 21 January 2016

Carbondale men found with 123 pounds of pot facing charges in Ohio

Two men from Carbondale, Colorado face felony drug charges after Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers found 123 pounds of marijuana in the men's car.

Best Tasting Buds on Earth - May 2016 Preview

HIGH TIMES editor at largeNicoEscondido explains the process for writing his May 2016 cover feature The Best Tasting Buds on Earth. This month,Nico'sexamining the best flavors and aromas in the cannabis world while introducing readers tot...

Maryland Lawmakers Override Veto of Marijuana Paraphernalia Decriminalization

ANNAPOLIS, MD — The Maryland House and Senate voted 86-55 and 29-17 Thursday to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of a bill intended to fix the state’s marijuana decriminalization law. Senate Bill 517, introduced by Sen. Bobby Zirkin (D-Baltimore County), removes criminal penalties for possession of marijuana paraphernalia. The measure also imposes a new civil fine […]

Maryland Lawmakers Override Veto of Marijuana Paraphernalia Decriminalization | The Daily Chronic

Wednesday 20 January 2016

High Buy Giveaway: The Circe via Smoke Cartel

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Colorado pot lawsuit twist: Gov, others out as defendants

A federal judge this week removed the governor and other state and Pueblo County officials as defendants in a high-profile racketeering lawsuit that is attempting to stop legal marijuana in Colorado.

Want Marijuana Legalized? The Time for Action is Now.

With the Presidential election taking place this November, the majority of us are already being inundated with political propaganda from the political left and the right. In news cycle after news cycle, pundits can be heard offering their thoughts on the most recent poll numbers or political gaffes and rarely venture beyond hot button issues […]

Want Marijuana Legalized? The Time for Action is Now. | The Daily Chronic

Marijuana Legalization 2016: Is It Better Than Prohibition?

As we look forward to what should be a fantastically successful year for marijuana legalization, it is important that those of us who support legalization join arms and move forward in a unified manner. All political progress requires some measure of compromise, and legalizing marijuana is no exception. Each state that legalizes marijuana, at least […]

Marijuana Legalization 2016: Is It Better Than Prohibition? | The Daily Chronic

Twin Study: Marijuana Use Has No Direct Effect On IQ

The cumulative use of cannabis by adolescents has no direct effect on intelligence decline, according to longitudinal data published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Investigators at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Minnesota evaluated whether marijuana use was associated with changes in intellectual performance in two […]

Twin Study: Marijuana Use Has No Direct Effect On IQ | The Daily Chronic

Analysis: Who's really behind the marijuana lawsuits?

Three of the four marijuana lawsuits filed against Colorado officials and businesses were organized and at least partially funded by out-of-state anti-drug organizations and socially conservative law firms, a Denver Post analysis shows.

Monday 18 January 2016

Three years after banning pot clubs, Denver's Mayor rethinks his position

Three years after he first directed the Denver City Council to ban all pot clubs, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock has changed his mind.

Tricks & Tips To Make Full-Melt Dry Sift Hash

An expert in the art of hash-making reveals his tips and tricks for producing beautiful full-melt hashish. Learn the secrets to isolating the gland heads filled withcannabinoidsand flavorful essential oils—all without the use of solvents or ice water.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Big Alcohol and Pharma are Paying Politicians to Block Marijuana Legalization

Politicians Are Being Bought By Big Alcohol, Pharma and Police Unions Cannabis has been rapidly gaining public favor over the past few years, with the majority of North Americans supporting legalization in some form. This is a hugely positive shift in public opinion, putting the pressure on lawmakers to end marijuana prohibition. Not everyone is […]

Big Alcohol and Pharma are Paying Politicians to Block Marijuana Legalization | The Daily Chronic

Virginia Lawmakers File Marijuana Decriminalization Bills

RICHMOND, VA — Senator Adam Ebbin has reintroduced legislation to decriminalize marijuana possession offenses. Senate Bill 104 eliminates criminal penalties for marijuana possession offenses, replacing them with civil fine-only penalties — no arrest and no criminal record. Decriminalization legislation is also pending in the House of Delegates. House Bill 997, introduced by Delegate Mark Levine and […]

Virginia Lawmakers File Marijuana Decriminalization Bills | The Daily Chronic

Majority of Americans Continue to Support Legalizing Marijuana

WASHINGTON, DC — A majority of Americans, including two-thirds of Democrats, believe that marijuana should be legal for adults, according to nationwide survey data compiled by Fifty-two percent of respondents said, “[T]he use of marijuana should be legalized.” Only 34 percent of respondents opposed the idea. Support for legalization was strongest among self-identified Democrats […]

Majority of Americans Continue to Support Legalizing Marijuana | The Daily Chronic

Study: Alcohol, Tobacco Typically Precede Marijuana Use

Alcohol is typically the first substance consumed by individuals who report polydrug use later in life, according to data published this month in The Journal of School Health. Researchers from Texas A&M University and the University of Florida, Gainesville evaluated drug use patterns from a nationally representative sample of 2,835 12th graders. Authors found that […]

Study: Alcohol, Tobacco Typically Precede Marijuana Use | The Daily Chronic

Friday 15 January 2016

Location of First New Hampshire Medical Grow Site Approved

CONCORD, NH — Officials overseeing New Hampshire's medical marijuana program have announced the approval of a location for the first registered medical marijuana growing facility, marking a sign of progress in an implementation that has experienced serious delays. In a press release issued Thursday, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announced that […]

Location of First New Hampshire Medical Grow Site Approved | The Daily Chronic

'Big Bang Theory' creator Chuck Lorre is developing new TV show about pot

'Big Bang Theory' creator Chuck Lorre is developing a new TV comedy set inside a Colorado marijuana shop.

Nico’s Nuggets: Seeds & Post-Harvest Planning

Have a question about growing marijuana? Our cultivation guru, NicoEscondido, is here to help with all the right answers.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Hearing on Legalizing Marijuana in New Hampshire Scheduled for Tuesday

CONCORD, NH — A key committee in the New Hampshire House of Representatives will hold a legislative hearing next week on three proposals to legalize marijuana in the Granite State. The House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee has scheduled public hearings for Tuesday, January 19 to consider House Bills 1610, 1675 and 1694.  The hearings begin at 10 […]

Hearing on Legalizing Marijuana in New Hampshire Scheduled for Tuesday | The Daily Chronic

In 11 months, almost $900M in Colorado marijuana sales

Annual Colorado marijuana sales for 2015 are nearing the $900 million mark through November, according to state statistics. Nearly $700 million of medical and recreational marijuana was sold in Colorado in 2014.

Grow Hack: 7 Gadgets for the High-Tech Grower

Take the mystery out of indoor growing with a little help from your old pal, technology. A few simple yet quality gadgets can turn a home-grow into a miniature state-of-the-art cannabis production facility.

Pennsylvania State Police Seized Over $7 Million Worth of Marijuana in 2015

HARRISBURG, PA — The Pennsylvania State Police seized over $7 million worth of marijuana in 2015, officials announced Wednesday. According to a press release issued Wednesday by Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Tyree Blocker, the total value of marijuana seized by Pennsylvania state troopers totaled $7,129,607. This figure does not include seizures made by local, county and […]

Pennsylvania State Police Seized Over $7 Million Worth of Marijuana in 2015 | The Daily Chronic

Did Colorado pot shops sell $1 billion of weed in 2015?

Did Colorado pot shops sell $1 billion of weed in 2015? December's data hasn't yet been reported by the state, but here's our best estimate.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Kansas holds children of Colorado veteran who uses medical marijuana

Raymond Schwab, an honorably discharged veteran, moved to Colorado last year to get treated for post-traumatic stress and chronic pain with medical marijuana.

Annual Colorado marijuana sales near $900 million mark in November 2015

Annual Colorado marijuana sales for 2015 are nearing the $900 million mark through November, according to state statistics.

Aspen, land of ski passes and fake IDs

The hordes of visitors to Aspen have left behind a large number of confiscated fake IDs, especially at weed shops.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

High Buy: SOURCEvapes' Grade 1 Titanium Vape

SOURCEvapes Introduces the First Grade 1 Titanium Vape For Cleanest Hits, Allows Users to EXPERIENCE TRUE TASTE.

Inside look at the swankiest weed parties in America

There has been a cornucopia of 420-friendly events in Colorado's legalized era -- arty dinners, joint- and sushi-rolling classes and even speed dating happy hours. But no entrepreneur has yet figured out the tricky cannabis event space as well as Kendal Norris, whose Mason Jar Event Group will soon throw another luxe bash.

Monday 11 January 2016

CannaBall Run Supports Veterans Treating War Trauma with Cannabis

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This woman throws the swankiest, most luxe cannabis parties in America

In the last two years of legal marijuana sales in Colorado, there has been a cornucopia of 420-friendly events -- arty dinners, joint- and sushi-rolling classes, speed dating happy hours and even bus tours of residential Christmas light displays. But no entrepreneur has yet figured out the tricky cannabis event space as well as Kendal Norris, whose Mason Jar Event Group will throw another luxe bash later this month.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Was El Chapo's Overture to Hollywood Fatal?

DNC Chair Accepts Huge Donations from Alcohol PACs, Claims Pot Is a Gateway Drug

In an interview with theNew York Times Magazine,U.S. Representative for Florida and head of the Democratic National Committee, DebbieWassermanSchultz, said she opposed legalization of marijuana and called it a gateway drug.

New York’s Medical Marijuana Program is Already a Failure

NEW YORK, NY — New York's medical marijuana program officially launched this week, but has gotten off to a very slow start by all accounts. Here's a look at New York state's medical marijuana program by the numbers: 19.75 million – New York State's population according to the 2014 census. 174 doctors have registered with the […]

New York's Medical Marijuana Program is Already a Failure | The Daily Chronic

Friday 8 January 2016

Cannabist Show: She's a social media pro; He plans biz expansion

We're talking about problems legal marijuana businesses are having with social media and sudden shutdowns of their accounts on Instagram, Twitter and others; Willie Nelson's new line of Willie's Reserve weed shops; planning a cannabis-friendly wedding; how to succeed in national business expansion; and changing marijuana laws on the East Coast and in the South.

Vermont Governor Calls for Marijuana Legalization in State of the State Address

It has long been speculated that Vermont could legalize marijuana in 2016, and become the first state in the country to do so through the state legislature. The legalization of marijuana in Vermont took a huge step closer to reality Thursday, when Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin (D) called the War on Drugs a failure and called upon […]

Vermont Governor Calls for Marijuana Legalization in State of the State Address | The Daily Chronic

EPA: This pesticide is killing bees. (Pssst, it's also in some of your weed)

Popular pesticide chemical imidacloprid kills bees, according to a new EPA report. (Pssst: It's also quite possibly in some of your weed.)

Marijuana vs. Tobacco: Not All Smoke Is Created Equal

Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke is demonstrably harmful to health. According to the United States Center for Disease Control, tobacco smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, and chronic exposure to tobacco smoke is linked to increased incidences of cancer as well as vascular disease. Inhaling tobacco smoke is also […]

Marijuana vs. Tobacco: Not All Smoke Is Created Equal | The Daily Chronic

Watch: Kevin Hart, Conan O'Brien and Ice Cube go weed shopping with a pal

What happens when Kevin Hart, Conan O'Brien and Ice Cube give a friend a driving lesson and then swing by the weed shop? Pure hilarity. Watch the video:

Thursday 7 January 2016

Canada and Mexico Must Prove Case With United Nations Before Legalizing Marijuana

Before Canada, Mexico or any other country can legalize marijuana across their respective nation, governments must first show the United Nations General Assembly later this year how they plan to make it happen while remaining in compliance with several international drug ...

D.C. pot clubs come tantalizingly close to fruition, then plans vaporized

Just a year after enacting pro-pot legislation in the nation's capital, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser finds herself halting a bill that would have allowed "pot clubs" to form.

Massachusetts to Hold Hearing on Legalizing Marijuana Next Week

BOSTON, MA — The Joint Committee on the Judiciary will hold a public hearing on a proposal to legalize marijuana in Massachusetts on Wednesday, January 13 at 1 pm at the State House. The proposed legislation, House Bill 1561, is independent from a proposed ballot initiative that is expected to be presented to, and approved by, voters in […]

Massachusetts to Hold Hearing on Legalizing Marijuana Next Week | The Daily Chronic

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Turkish Forces Seize 13 Tons of Marijuana off the Coast of Libya

Turkey's state-run news agency says Turkish forces, acting on a tip, have conducted an operation on a Bolivian-flagged ship in international waters off the coast of Libya and seized 13 tons of marijuana. It was Turkey's first anti-narcotics operation in internatio...

Medical Marijuana Bill Filed in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Once again, an Indiana Democrat is hoping to push through legislation to allow medical marijuana use in the state. State Senator Karen Tallian (D-Portage) filed Senate Bill 209 on Wednesday.  If passed, the proposal would establish a medical marijuana program allowing patients and their caregivers to possess a limited amount of marijuana […]

Medical Marijuana Bill Filed in Indiana | The Daily Chronic

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Green the Vote’s Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Drive Falls Short

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — An all-volunteer effort to gather the necessary signatures to place a measure legalizing medical marijuana before voters in November has fallen short. Volunteers from Green the Vote collected a little over 70,000 of the required 123,725 signatures needed to qualify for the 2016 ballot.  Had they been successful, Oklahoma voters would have been asked […]

Green the Vote’s Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Drive Falls Short | The Daily Chronic

Federal judge tosses Colorado marijuana banking lawsuit

A judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking federal approval for the first credit union for marijuana in Colorado, saying that allowing it "would facilitate criminal activity."

Kentucky Could Legalize Medical Marijuana in 2016 With Help From Ex-Congressman

Although Kentucky has struggled for the past several years to get any attention from the General Assembly on the issue of medical marijuana, the cause will have stronger reinforcement in 2016.

Monday 4 January 2016

Nico’s Nuggets: Flushing and Cutting for Beginners

Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed in New Mexico

SANTA FE, NM — In advance of the upcoming 2016 legislative session, a New Mexico lawmaker has pre-filed a bill that, if passed, would legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older. State Rep. Bill McCamley (D-Las Cruces) pre-filed House Bill 75, titled the “Cannabis Revenue & Freedom Act,” in late December. If passed, House Bill 75 would allow […]

Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed in New Mexico | The Daily Chronic

Unbalanced pot landscape in Denver raises concerns

Recreational marijuana businesses have proliferated so rapidly in some of Denver's poorer neighborhoods during the past two years that city officials are exploring ways to disperse future growth more evenly.

Friday 1 January 2016

Colorado RICO lawsuit settles in favor of anti-pot group

A high-profile racketeering lawsuit against a proposed Summit County marijuana shop and companies that did its banking, bonding and accounting settled in U.S. District Court earlier this month — a substantial victory for cannabis opponents hoping to stun legalization efforts in America.

15 Best Edibles of 2015

Our edibles expert rates her favorite 15 cannabis-infused edibles from California, Colorado and Michigan.