Tuesday 31 March 2015

New in Indiana: A cannabis church gets its chance

A cannabis church has been approved by Indiana officials after religious freedom legislation became law last week. Secretary of State Connie Lawson approved the First Church of Cannabis Inc. as a religious corporation with the stated intent "to start a church based on love and understanding with compassion for all."

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Baked Science: Canna Crisp Chocolate Bars

Welcome to Baked Science, a new series of cannabis-infused edible reviews featuring test results from SC Labs. This week, we're looking into peanut butter and chocolate goodness by way of Edible Ideas' Cannabis Crisp candy bars.

Lab Testing Debunked: THCA Vs. THC

Lab-testing cannabis is quickly becoming an important part of the marijuana industry, but the resulting data often leads to confusion. Here's how to interpret the numbers and find out how potent your weed actually is.

Colorado trying again to add maternal warnings at marijuana shops

A proposal to require Colorado's pot shops to post warnings for pregnant customers is getting a second look in the state Legislature.

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Here Comes Italy: Marijuana Legalization Effort Gears Up in Parliament

ROME — An effort to legalize marijuana is getting underway in the Italian parliament, with some 60 lawmakers having signed onto a motion to do just that by the time it was rolled-out three weeks ago. Now, the “all party” group is getting to work on the twin tasks of drafting an actual legalization bill […]

Indiana's Anti-Gay Law Brings to Life the First Church of Cannabis

A loophole in Indiana's recently enacted anti-gay legislation has brought to life the First Church of Cannabis. Papers filed with the Secretary of State were accepted, meaning the state must recognize this new church as a legitimate ministry and accepted faith.

Monday 30 March 2015

Colorado AG urges U.S. Supreme Court to reject states’ pot lawsuit

Arguing that two neighboring states are dangerously attempting "to selectively manipulate Colorado's marijuana laws," state Attorney General Cynthia Coffman on Friday defended Colorado's marijuana legalization to the U.S. Supreme Court in a landmark lawsuit filed by Nebraska and Oklahoma.

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Colombia: Peace Efforts May Bear Fruit

Colombians made history March 8, as tens of thousands took to the streets in cities and towns nationwide—joined by Colombian ex-pats and immigrants in the US, Canada, Europe and elsewhere—to show their support for peace talks between the government andFA...

Sunday 29 March 2015

5 Best Videos to Watch When Baked XLIX

n this weekly segment, HIGH TIMES brings you the bestvidsto watch after indulging.

Researcher Closer to Starting Medical Marijuana PTSD Study in Arizona

PHOENIX, AZ — An Arizona researcher is one step closer to starting research on the effect of medical marijuana in treating symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dr. Sue Sisley, the researcher who was fired last year from the University of Arizona College of Medicine for reasons she believed to be linked to her high-profile work […]

Friday 27 March 2015

Thursday 26 March 2015

Colorado bill seeks standardized marijuana testing, options for citizens

A bill up for its first test Thursday in a House committee would create a state "reference library" to try to standardize marijuana tests by state-licensed lab facilities.

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Top Draft Prospect Admits He Tested Positive for Marijuana at NFL Combine

Nebraska football star Randy Gregory announced on Wednesday that he tested positive for pot at the NFL scouting combine in February. The defensive end is a potential top-10 draft pick, but the positive test could change all of that.

First Marijuana Commercial Debuts on Major Networks

Sure, the commercial may be a bit silly, but it effectively conveys the company's message and definitely held our attention! Check it out!

Coroner: Oklahoma man killed self in Keystone after eating pot edibles

An Oklahoma man visiting Keystone committed suicide after consuming a large amount of edible marijuana candies on Tuesday, according to a Summit County coroner's report.

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New Poll: Most Californians Support Legal Weed

According to a new poll conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California, the majority of California voters support the legalization of marijuana. Fifty-five percent of voters across the state believe the time has come to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to al...

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Report: Racial Disparities in Arrests Persist with Legal Pot

Not surprisingly, the legalization of marijuana in Colorado has reduced pot arrests, but a newly released study says it doesn't solve one of the central goals of drug-policy reformers: ending racial disparities in enforcement.

PA Medical Society: “Too Few” Studies on Medical Marijuana

HARRISBURGH, PA — As lawmakers in Harrisburg consider allowing medical marijuana in the Keystone State, the Pennsylvania Medical Society is claiming that there are “few well-controlled studies” that demonstrate the effectiveness of cannabis as medicine. “While many states have pushed for new laws to legalize the use of marijuana for medical reasons, there are few well-controlled studies […]

Grow Q&A: Growing in 'Smart' Pots

Have questions about growing cannabis? Our own cultivation expert, DannyDanko, is here to help with all of your marijuana grow concerns. Today's question is about growing with "Smart" Pots.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Premiere: Royal Thunder's 'The Line'

HIGH TIMES is proud to present this exclusive preview of Royal Thunder's brand-new song, "The Line," from their forthcoming album,Crooked Doors.

Florida Hemp Bill Approved by Senate Agriculture Committee

TALLAHASSEE, FL — A key committee in the Florida Senate voted unanimously Monday to approve a measure that would legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp in the Sunshine State. The Senate Agriculture Committee voted 7-0 to approve Senate Bill 902, introduced by Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth). Sen. Clemens, who says the bill would create […]

Ask The Cannabist: Marijuana is still illegal in Iowa. When will that change?

Reader: When is Iowa expected to change its marijuana laws? The Cannabist: Some change happened last year when Iowa passed a CBD-only medical bill ...

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Grow Q&A: Feminized or Regular Seeds for Mother Plants?

Have questions about growing cannabis? Our own cultivation expert, DannyDanko, is here to help with all of your marijuana grow concerns. Today's question is about whether to use feminized or regular seeds for mother plants.

Monday 23 March 2015

Denver seeks to stop 60 pot-growing collectives; plant count up for vote

Denver officials may shut down dozens of pot-growing collectives scattered across the city. Officials say they’re trying to shut down about 60 collective growing operations.

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Pennsylvania Patients; Marijuana Activists Meet with Gov. Wolf

PITTSBURGH, PA — On March 19, 2015, Governor Tom Wolf sat down with a group of twenty or so patients, parents and activists working to bring a medicinal cannabis program to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Members of Campaign4Compassion, Pittsburgh NORML, and Keystone Cannabis Coalition had the opportunity to sit down with Wolf, Policy Director John […]

Sunday 22 March 2015

High Buy: CloudV and Tommy Chong Team Up

Cloud V Enterprises has officially teamed up with the illustrious Tommy Chong to create the Cloud Platinum Limited Edition Chong Vaporizer! Thevapepen, which is the smallest portable vaporizer on the market, is black with a white logo of Tommy hitting a cloud ...

Snoop Dogg Dishes on Getting High with Willie Nelson

In a wide-ranging interview at South by Southwest last week, Snoop Dogg shared big news about a new HBO series he's developing, as well as "one of the greatest moments" of his life. Hint: It involved weed.

Saturday 21 March 2015

New York City Council Issues Formal Call for Decriminalizing and Legalizing Marijuana

NEW YORK, NY —  This week, the New York City Council called for the state of New York to pass historic legislation to both decriminalize and to tax and regulate marijuana. As part of the Council’s State Budget and Legislative Agenda for the 2015-2016 legislative session, the New York City Council urged the state legislature […]

Friday 20 March 2015

Georgia MMJ bill progresses, now with 8 health conditions

After more than four hours of haggling and sometimes rancorous debate, Georgia's powerful Senate Health and Human Services Committee on Thursday passed its own version of a House bill that seeks to allow medical marijuana to be used for eight medical conditions, deleting only one diagnosis in a measure pushed by state Rep. Allen Peake, R-Macon.

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DEA Can Seize Your Cash in an Airport for No Reason

The Drug Enforcement Administration is under fire after a report by the Department of Justice revealed that agents have been seizing millions of dollars every year from innocent travelers.

15 Hilariously Ridiculous Pieces of Anti-Marijuana Propaganda

Listen to Jesus, Jimmy! Just say 'No' to the marijuana... Or you can laugh hysterically at these preposterous anti-pot headlines instead. We're going with the second option.

Georgia MMJ bill progressess, now with 8 health conditions

After more than four hours of haggling and sometimes rancorous debate, Georgia's powerful Senate Health and Human Services Committee on Thursday passed its own version of a House bill that seeks to allow medical marijuana to be used for eight medical conditions, deleting only one diagnosis in a measure pushed by state Rep. Allen Peake, R-Macon.

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Cannabis, Science, and the Media

Prohibitionists keep circulating scare stories about marijuana, and people keep believing them. Lurid tales of insanity and murder were quite effective in the 1930s. Seen now as ridiculous; yet nonetheless, modern tales, equally ridiculous, are widely accepted. If marijuana actually caused some trouble — health problems, madness, violence, mental deficit, lasting effects after the immediate […]

Thursday 19 March 2015

Time for court after dozens of teens busted in sting at X Games

Dozens of teens and young adults caught in an underage drinking and marijuana sting at the X Games in Aspen are facing the legal consequences.

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Washington Senate Approves Adding PTSD to Medical Marijuana Conditions

OLYMPIA, WA — The Washington state Senate unanimously approved a bill to add post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana in the state. The bill, Senate Bill 5379, was approved by a floor vote of 48-0 on Tuesday evening, and now heads to the House for consideration. Post-traumatic stress […]

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Boy Suspended from School for a Year for Look-Alike Pot Leaf

A sixth grade Virginia elementary student was suspended last year for 364 days after school officials caught him in possession ofwhat they believedto be the leaf from a cannabis plant. Yet, even after several tests revealed the leaf was nothing related to mari...

Grow Q&A: Breeding Your Own Strain

Have questions about growing cannabis? Our own cultivation expert, DannyDanko, is here to help with all of your marijuana grow concerns. Today's question is about breeding your own strain.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Obama’s real talk: Pot ‘shouldn’t be young people’s biggest priority’

President Barack Obama wants young Americans to reconsider their political priorities. In a new interview with Vice, Obama talked extensively on marijuana law reform -- and the president had a strong reaction to the fact that the pot topic was the "number one question from everyone on the Internet," as Vice founder Shane Smith said in the interview.

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North Dakota Lawmakers Vote to Legalize Industrial Hemp

BISMARK, ND — The North Dakota state Senate voted overwhelmingly Monday to give final approval to a bill authorizing the farming, production, and sale of industrial hemp in the state. The Senate voted 46-1 Monday to approve House Bill 1436, which passed 87-5 in the House last month, sending the bill to the desk of Gov. Jack Dalrymple. HB […]

Video recipe: Get psyched for spring with these matcha-frosted cookies

As we leave winter behind, things are starting to green up. St. Patrick’s Day is upon us to boot, so cooking/smoking of the green is how we’ll roll with this batch of tasty sugar cookies topped with infused frosting. You can buy sugar cookie dough in the refrigerated section of…

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Past Marijuana Convictions in Connecticut Can Be Erased, Supreme Court Says

HARTFORD, CT — People busted in Connecticut for possessing small amounts of marijuana have the right to get their convictions erased because the state decriminalized misdemeanor possession of pot in 2011, the state Supreme Court ruled on Monday. The 7-0 ruling came in the case of former Manchester and Bolton resident Nicholas Menditto. A state prosecutor […]

‘Swamp Stoners’? Five pot reality TV shows that need to happen right now

"Celebrity Weed Freakout" is a reality TV show that needs to happen right now. Here are five other shows we'd like to see.

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Monday 16 March 2015

Neal Pollack’s pilgrimage: On ganja yoga and understanding

Intrepid cannabis aficionado and yoga enthusiast Neal Pollack flies to San Francisco to take three consecutive days of ganja yoga classes. Will the weed control him, or will he control the weed? His full report.

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Sunday 15 March 2015

HIGH TIMES Legislative Roundup: March 16

Lawmakers across the United States brought out the big guns again last week in an attempt to reform the nation’s marijuana laws. Perhaps the most talked about piece of legislation is one introduced to Congress that would change the reach of medical marijuana nationw...

Dear Man Who Fell Asleep Rolling Your Joint On The Train ...

This fine gentleman was caught by redditor thezuckubis on the 2 Train in NYC with a half-finished joint in his lap.

5 Strains to Go Green With on St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day is, depending on who you ask, a Christian feast day to honor the patron saint of Ireland, a worldwide campaign to showcase Ireland and its culture, or an excuse to get totally hammered in public with zero regrets. People take to the streets in citi...

Saturday 14 March 2015

Comprehensive Medical Marijuana Legislation Filed in Texas

AUSTIN – Texas state lawmakers introduced legislation Friday that would allow patients with cancer, seizure disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it. House Bill 3785, introduced by Representative Marisa Márquez (D-El Paso) in the House, with a companion bill sponsored by Sen. José Menéndez (D-San Antonio) in […]

Friday 13 March 2015

Presenting: The Cannabist Show

The Cannabist Show premieres with interviews, quizzes and pop culture. Featured guests include the creative team behind the "Rolling Papers" documentary and a marijuana shop owner based in the mountain town of Telluride.

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Excerpt: Insane Clown Posse vs. The FBI

In October 2011, the Federal Bureau of Investigation declared that Juggalos—devoted fans of the rap duo Insane Clown Posse—are members of a violent street gang.Not surprisingly, no one in the Insane Clown Posse’s camp wanted to tell the guys in the...

Thursday 12 March 2015

A blunt shaped like a multitentacled squid? It might just blow your mind

Anyone who's ever rolled a joint or blunt -- hell, anyone who has ever tried it -- knows it's an art form. And now we bring you the magnificent squid blunt.

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Federal Judge Rejects DOJ Effort to Imprison Kettle Falls Five Defendants Pending Sentencing

SPOKANE, WA — Just one week after three medical marijuana patients were acquitted by a federal jury of all but one charge stemming from the widely watched Kettle Falls Five trial, US District Court Judge Thomas Rice rejected attemptsby the Justice Department (DOJ) to imprison the defendants pending sentencing on June 10th. Judge Rice’s ruling […]

Cannabusiness: Weed Workers Get Connected in Colorado

Getting in on Colorado’s booming ganja industry can be tough, even for entry-level job seekers like trimmers or budtenders. A new job-placement service in Pueblo -- the city’s first to focus on weed work -- is helping both the experienced and absolute be...

An In-Depth Look at the Senate Bill to Legalize Medical Marijuana

A new bill introduced in the United States Senate seeks to radically alter federal jurisdiction over the manufacture, distribution, sale and use of medical marijuana.

Police Sell Drugs to Man, then Kill Him

A Florida man was shot and killed earlier last week during a reverse sting operation in which undercover police attempted to sell narcotics to unsuspecting passersby and arrested those who took the bait. A report from theFlorida Times-Unionindicates that 48-ye...