Thursday 31 December 2015

Top 10 Videos to Watch When Baked: Best of 2015 Edition

Our top 10 videos of 2015 from our 5 Best Videos to Watch When Baked series. Happy New Year!

Recipes: This twist on edibles starts infused, with a weed-free sweet finish

Two recipes, with a twist: Serve up this easy-to-make, cannabis-infused appetizer and after it kicks in, dive into a dreamy orange parfait that's weed-free.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

The Highest Science of 2015

Check out the highest, off-the-wall, stoner friendly science updates of 2015. We've figured out a lot this year, and the cannabis plant is a lot less mysterious now, see it all for yourself.

Pot banking: Federal case doesn't look promising

A federal judge says he sympathizes with marijuana businesses faced with contradictory regulations, but he expressed misgivings about forcing federal officials to approve a Colorado credit union created specifically to serve the cannabis industry.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Top 10 Weed Memes of 2015

Marijuana + The Internet = Great Weed Memes! Check out out 10 favorites from 2015.

Major Colleges Are Reducing Penalties for Athletes’ Marijuana Use

The Associated Press reported Monday that some of the nation’s biggest colleges have been reducing their penalties for student athletes who test positive for marijuana: At least one-third of the Power Five conference schools are not punishing athletes as harshly as they were 10 years ago for testing positive for marijuana and other so-called recreational drugs, […]

Major Colleges Are Reducing Penalties for Athletes’ Marijuana Use | The Daily Chronic

The subtle normalizing of cannabis in Colorado

Weed goes wide: It's in the air (of course), it's a part of modern anthropology study, it's on the local library shelves, it's a central part of classes and tours.

Monday 28 December 2015

Syrian Hashish Harvest Workers Stranded in Lebanon

BothReutersandNational Public Radiohave run reports over the past week on the plight of season migrant laborers who come from Syria to theBekaato help harvest cannabis and produce hashish—activities just winding down now. But thos...

A Look Back at 2015; and Ahead to 2016

The end of the year is a natural time to review our progress advancing legalization over the past 12 months, and to look ahead to what we hope to achieve in the coming year. Compared to our recent dramatic electoral victories in 2012 and again in 2014, 2015 was a slow year. We made some […]

A Look Back at 2015; and Ahead to 2016 | The Daily Chronic

Two years in: Debate remains on impact of legalization

As Colorado continues to gather data on marijuana, experts are withholding judgment and taking a longer view. However, there are trends to follow, including cannabis industry growth; marijuana-related arrests and crime; and consumer use rates.

Sunday 27 December 2015

New Hampshire to Start Issuing Medical Marijuana Cards

CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services will begin issuing the first round of medical marijuana ID cards to patients as early as next week, allowing patients to purchase medical marijuana in nearby Maine and legally possess it in New Hampshire. In a press release issued Tuesday, the Department said they […]

New Hampshire to Start Issuing Medical Marijuana Cards | The Daily Chronic

Friday 25 December 2015

Nico’s Nuggets: Flowering Cycles for Beginner Growers

Beginner grower going through your first flowering cycle? Get expert advice from Cultivation guru, Nico Escondido.

Thursday 24 December 2015

The 25 Biggest WTF Marijuana Moments of 2015

Between DEA scandals,fear-mongeringanti-pot propaganda and presidential candidates, 2015 was a year full of WTF moments for marijuana. Beginning inJanuary and working forward toDecember, we're taking a look back at some of the biggest pot-relat...

Cannabist Show: She owns a marijuana shop; He's a pot baron

We're talking with industry insiders about issues involving Colorado marijuana shops -- ownership by women and minorities, edibles cooking classes, consulting opportunities and TV documentaries about cannabis businesses. Featured guests: Simply Pure co-owner Wanda James and Medicine Man CEO Andy Williams.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

15 Instagram Holidaze Edibles We Want To Eat

Celebrate your holidays by munching on fun festive cannabis edibles created by the most innovative chefs on Instagram.

DEA Eases Some Requirements for Clinical Trials on Cannabidiol

WASHINGTON, DC — The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says they are easing some of the requirements imposed by the Controlled Substances Act for researchers conducting clinical trials on cannabidiol (CBD), an extract of marijuana that has been used to reduce seizures in children, among other ailments. According to a press release issued Wednesday by the DEA, […]

DEA Eases Some Requirements for Clinical Trials on Cannabidiol | The Daily Chronic

Tiny and shiny: Colorado pot shop unveils Gold Mini Js

Shine Papers, which makes 24 karat gold rolling papers, is debuting its first collaboration with a Colorado marijuana retailer: High Country Healing Mini Js, which weigh in at a quarter-gram.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

New Hampshire Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed for 2016

CONCORD, NH — A bill to allow adults 21 or older to legally possess up to two ounces of marijuana in New Hampshire has been pre-filed for the upcoming 2016 legislative session. House Bill 1610 is sponsored by Reps. Michael Sylvia (R-Belknap) and Robert Hull (R-Grafton). If passed, the bill would allow adults 21 or older […]

New Hampshire Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed for 2016 | The Daily Chronic

High Horoscopes | Dec. 22, 2015

The HIGH TIMES weekly astrological forecast, complete with strain recommendations!

Monday 21 December 2015

HIGH TIMES Legislative Roundup: Dec 21

Cannabis activists keep plugging away at the system in an effort to legalize the leaf in more parts of the United States.

Energy-sapping marijuana cultivation a growing worry

Pot's not green. The $3.5 billion U.S. cannabis market is emerging as one of the nation's most power-hungry industries, with the 24-hour demands of thousands of indoor growing sites taxing aging electricity grids and unraveling hard-earned gains in energy conservation.

Pittsburgh Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Wins Final Approval

PITTSBURGH, PA — The city of Pittsburgh will soon become the second major city in Pennsylvania to treat marijuana possession as a fine-only offense, instead of a criminal misdemeanor, joining Philadelphia, who passed a similar ordinance last year. After receiving preliminary approval on a 6-1 vote last week, the City Council gave final approval to the decriminalization measure […]

Pittsburgh Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Wins Final Approval | The Daily Chronic

Saturday 19 December 2015

President Obama Commutes Sentences of 95 Federal Drug Prisoners

WASHINGTON, DC — President Obama on Friday commuted the federal prison sentences of 95 men and women, all but two of them drug offenders serving draconian sentences. He also issued pardons for two people who have already served their sentences. Many had been imprisoned since the 1990s. Some were doing life sentences for drug offenses. Most were […]

President Obama Commutes Sentences of 95 Federal Drug Prisoners | The Daily Chronic

Friday 18 December 2015

High Buy: KandyPens Galaxy All-Quartz Crystal Vaporizer

Read all about KandyPens' new Galaxy vaporizer pen!

Attention Pennsylvanians: E-mail Your State Representative to Vote Against the Marsico Amendment

Pennsylvania state Rep. Ron Marsico of Dauphin County has proposed an amendment to their medical marijuana bill SB 3. This amendment limits THC levels and the number of growers and dispensers, making patient access to medicine more difficult. These patients need your help. Senate Bill 3 created more meaningful access to medical cannabis for Pennsylvanians […]

Attention Pennsylvanians: E-mail Your State Representative to Vote Against the Marsico Amendment | The Daily Chronic

Cannabist Show: He invests in weed; He steers Pueblo pot laws

Our guests on The Cannabist Show: ArcView Group president Troy Dayton and Pueblo County commissioner Sal Pace. Recorded live at The Cannabist Awards.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Obama Tells Supreme Court to Ignore Lawsuit Against Colorado Marijuana

The Obama Administration came to the defense of legal marijuana states on Wednesday by advising the U.S. Supreme Court not to waste any time entertaining a lawsuit conjured up by Oklahoma and Nebraska over their seething disdain for Colorado’s recreational cannabis ...

Delaware Marijuana Decriminalization Law to Take Effect Friday

DOVER, DE — Marijuana decriminalization legislation adopted earlier this year in Delaware will officially take effect on Friday, making it the 19th state in the nation to remove the threat of jail for simple marijuana possession. A 20th state, Missouri, has a similar law on the books that goes into effect in 2017. “Delaware’s marijuana […]

Delaware Marijuana Decriminalization Law to Take Effect Friday | The Daily Chronic

Nellie McKay talks on her new single 'Weed (All I Want for Christmas)'

Indie chanteuse Nellie McKay is best known for her provocative and thoughtful pop compositions, but there's no question as to what inspired her latest offering -- 'Weed (All I Want for Christmas).'

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Cannabis Research Pioneer, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, Calls for Clinical Trials

On Tuesday during a live discussion at the HIGH TIMES Business Summit, Dr. RaphaelMechoulam, known as the "Father of THC," made an impassioned plea for good clinical trials to study the effects of medical marijuana on cancer.

Pittsburgh Poised to Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana

PITTSBURGH, PA — The city of Pittsburgh is poised to become the second major city in Pennsylvania to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Following a hearing on Tuesday, where about 40 people testified in favor of the proposal and no opposition was voiced, the Pittsburgh City Council gave preliminary approval Wednesday to an […]

Pittsburgh Poised to Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana | The Daily Chronic

Pesticides: Caviar Kings joints, Neos oils made with RiverRock pot recalled

The city of Denver issued its 14th pesticide-rooted recall on marijuana products in as many weeks on Wednesday — this time involving the voluntary recall of certain Caviar Kings-branded pre-rolled joints and hash oil-loaded vape pen cartridges made by Neos.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Killer Mike Discusses the War on Drugs with Bernie Sanders

On Tuesday, Killer Mike released a six-part interview with the cannabis community's favorite presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders. The wide-ranging conversation took place at Killer Mike's Atlanta barbershop,the SWAG Shop, over several hours and tou...

Cannabist Awards: Colorado's top 2015 cannabis businesses

The first-ever Cannabist Awards recognizes businesses that are excelling in Colorado’s marijuana and hemp industries in 2015.

Understanding Hydro: What are Chelates and Amino Acids?

Many hydro nutrient solutions these days advertise having amino acids, chelated minerals and humates, but how do these additives translate to bigger yields or better flavor? The science of hydro is continuously advancing and many products made for cannabis are on the cutt...

Michigan Supreme Court Allows Grand Rapids Marijuana Decriminalization Law to Stand

LANSING, MI — An amendment to the Grand Rapids city charter that decriminalizes marijuana possession in the city will be allowed to stand after the state’s highest court refused to hear an appeal from Kent County Prosecutor William Forsyth. The amendment, approved by voters in 2012, makes the possession of marijuana a civil infraction punishable by fines […]

Michigan Supreme Court Allows Grand Rapids Marijuana Decriminalization Law to Stand | The Daily Chronic

Margaret Cho developing weed sitcom for Amazon

Amazon and Margaret Cho are getting into the weed business. Rather, the e-commerce giant and the stand-up comic are developing a sitcom about the weed business -- a show called "Highland," about dysfunctional family running a marijuana shop, according to a new report in Variety.

Monday 14 December 2015

Research Says Cannabis Affects Intestinal Flora And May Prevent Obesity

Canadian researchers have recently published a study that shows the potential cannabis has for preventing and treating obesity. Mice fed a high-fat diet with daily THC administration gained significantly less weight than those without THC. Cannabis may have some protectiv...

Regulate Florida Ends Campaign to Legalize Marijuana in 2016

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — An organization working to place a constitutional amendment to legalize recreational marijuana on the November 2016 ballot in Florida is ending its campaign, shifting their focus instead to 2018 and beyond. In a message to supporters this week, Regulate Florida concedes that they will not be able to collect the over 683,000 […]

Regulate Florida Ends Campaign to Legalize Marijuana in 2016 | The Daily Chronic

Friday 11 December 2015

Nico’s Nuggets: Growing Healthy Root Mass to Increase Yield

Have questions about growing your cannabis garden? Let cultivation expert Nico Escondido help with your marijuana-growing needs!

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Stoners

In case you haven’t noticed (or started to panic yet), Christmas is just two weeks away.  If you’ve been procrastinating shopping for your favorite stoner, fear not! These merchants can deliver stoner-friendly holiday gifts in time, and we’ve included some suggestions from each merchant.  Just be sure to place your order before their shipping deadlines! Smoke […]

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Stoners | The Daily Chronic

Cannabist Show: He leads edibles research; He runs pot testing lab

Our guests on The Cannabist Show this week: EdiPure chief science officer Malcolm Morrison and Nordic Analytical Laboratories lab director Joseph Evans.

Throwback: The HIGH TIMES Interview with John Trudell

Read our vintage interview (2003) with the late Native American activist, poet and actor John Trudell.

Legal Marijuana Access Motivates Colorado Tourism

DENVER, CO — Nearly one out of two tourists visiting Colorado acknowledge that their decision is motivated by the state’s permissive attitude toward marijuana, according to the findings of a just-released study commissioned by the Colorado Tourism Office. Among Colorado vacationers surveyed, 49 percent said that cannabis’ legal status influenced their decision, with 22 percent […]

Legal Marijuana Access Motivates Colorado Tourism | The Daily Chronic

3 years ago today: Colorado officially legalized weed

On Dec. 10, 2012, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed Amendment 64 into our constitution. And here we are three years later, a slightly changed society.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

California’s ReformCA Joins Forces with Sean Parker to Legalize Weed in 2016

While it was predicted early on that a marijuana initiative assembled by the Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform (ReformCA) was the best chance California had at legalizing a recreational cannabis market in next year’s election, it appears the materialization of a ...

Why the End of Federal Marijuana Prohibition May Be Only Five Years Away

The federal prohibition of marijuana may end within five years. Rob Kampia thinks so, and he’s a very well-placed observer. As head of the Marijuana Policy Project, Kampia has his finger on the pulse of pot politics as well as anyone, and he made a pretty startling prediction at the International Drug Reform Conference in […]

Why the End of Federal Marijuana Prohibition May Be Only Five Years Away | The Daily Chronic

Colorado tourism survey shows legal pot’s influence

A study commissioned by the Colorado Tourism Office unveiled Wednesday shows legal weed as a growing motivator for trips to Colorado — conflicting with the mantra of tourism officials statewide that savvy marketing alone is responsible for record visitation and spending in the last two years.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Englewood extends moratorium on social cannabis clubs by six months

The Englewood City Council has approved a six-month extension on the marijuana social club moratorium, saying it needed more time to study the issue.

Concern About Industry Influence In the Legalization Movement

A couple of recent developments have focused attention on the newly legal marijuana industry in several states and the potential for those new businesses to have an enormous impact on the shape of legal marijuana as it is rolled out in several new states. There is a lot of money involved in the industry, and […]

Concern About Industry Influence In the Legalization Movement | The Daily Chronic

Monday 7 December 2015

Cannabist Show: Her biz is edibles; She’s an industry HR pro

Our guests on The Cannabist Show this week: Canyon Cultivation owner Morgan Iwersen and Green Mountain Solutions co-founder Courtney Meyers.

The Art of Leonard Peltier: Native American Political Prisoner

In 1977, American Indian activist Leonard Peltier was convicted of murdering two FBI agents during a shootout on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Peltier has spent nearly 40 years in federal prison. His trial remains one of the most controversial in the history...

Saturday 5 December 2015

PIX OF THE CROP: 12.04.15

Our favorite reader submitted photos for the week of December 4, 2015.

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Rally in Cranberry on Saturday

PITTSBURGH, PA — The Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Society (PAMCS), along with many concerned state residents, including those suffering from diseases which could be treated with medical cannabis and their families, will be rallying at the Regional Learning Alliance and Conference Center, in Cranberry Township on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 2 to 4 pm. More than two weeks […]

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Rally in Cranberry on Saturday | The Daily Chronic

Check Your Stash: Full list covering recalls for pesticides

Do you have any pesticide-peppered pot in your stash? Find out here: An updated list of all marijuana companies going through product recalls in Colorado.

Thursday 3 December 2015

WATCH: Potty Mouth's 'Creeper Weed' Music Video

Female post punk rock trio Potty Mouth loves ganja, and we are loving them. This week, the band released a music video for their single "Creeper Weed," and it's an epic'90sthrowback that you definitely won't want to miss. ...

Minnesota to Allow Medical Marijuana for Intractable Pain

ST. PAUL, MN — Patients suffering from intractable pain will soon be able to have access to medical marijuana in Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Commissioner Dr. Ed Ehlinger announced the decision to add intractable pain, as defined in Minnesota law, to the list of qualifying conditions for which patients can legally access medical marijuana […]

Minnesota to Allow Medical Marijuana for Intractable Pain | The Daily Chronic

U.S. Postal Service warns newspapers about pot ads

A USPS memo has raised questions among publishers whose newspapers have run marijuana advertising for pot businesses in Oregon and Washington.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Missouri Airs First Medical Marijuana Commercial

A marijuana advocacy group in Missouri,Show-Me Cannabis, just released the first commercial in the state, promoting medical cannabis reform.

Pittsburgh City Council to Hold Public Hearing on Marijuana Decriminalization Proposal

PITTSBURGH, PA —  The Pittsburgh City Council will host a public hearing on a proposed ordinance to decriminalize marijuana possession in the city later this month. The hearing, which is open to the public, is scheduled for 1:30 pm on Tuesday, December 15 in the Council Chambers, located on the 5th Floor of the City […]

Pittsburgh City Council to Hold Public Hearing on Marijuana Decriminalization Proposal | The Daily Chronic

Pot recall: EdiPure pulls 7,770 edibles over pesticides

For the 10th time in three months, a Colorado marijuana company is voluntarily recalling pot products because they contain potentially dangerous pesticides. Denver-based marijuana company EdiPure is recalling 7,770 packages of pot-infused edibles because they were made with contaminated hash oil.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Campaign to Submit Final Petition Signatures Tuesday

BOSTON, MA — One of two competing campaigns hoping to place the issue of marijuana legalization before Massachusetts voters next year say they have collected more than enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot, and will submit their final petition signatures today. The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol (CRMLA), backed by the Washington, […]

Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Campaign to Submit Final Petition Signatures Tuesday | The Daily Chronic

Study takes another view on drug offenders in prison population

Brookings Institution fellow Jonathan Rothwell argues that simply looking at the number of people in prison at a given point in time understates the true impact of drug laws on incarceration.

Will Medical Marijuana Ever Be Covered By Medicare?

Pot smoking among a certain sector of the country’s approximately 76 million baby boomers was a serious cultural phenomenon as they came of age in the1960s.

Monday 30 November 2015

All Aboard the Goodship

Seattle edibles entrepreneur Jody Hall wants people to get high and expand their minds.

Robert Dear may have liked pot; Anti-pot groups react

Robert Dear -- the man accused of killing three and injuring nine in a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs on Friday -- might have enjoyed marijuana when he used to live in North Carolina, the New York Times reported this weekend. And now some legalization opponents are blaming cannabis for these murders -- and others in Paris and South Carolina.

Friday 27 November 2015

8 Holiday Gifts for the Dabber in Your Life

Now that the holidays are here, many people are left with the issue of finding the right gift for their cannabis-loving loved one. For those that know next-to-nothing about concentrates, finding something suitable to wrap up and give to them can really become a headache. ...