Wednesday 31 December 2014

Best of 2014: Here are 25 incredible true stories from Colorado & beyond

2014 was a year of fascinating marijuana developments: Innovative pot products hit the market, the global pot view is changing and unusual true stories abounded.

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After Five Years, Toke of the Town Says Goodbye

Since 2009, Toke of the Town has brought you the biggest marijuana news and loudest pot views from across the country -- and around the world. Along the way, we've covered the huge progress many...

Cannabist Q&A: Naming strains, federal rescheduling riddle

The Q&A answers readers' questions about cannabis. Topics include strain names and the potential for removing marijuana from the federal drug schedule.

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10 Best Videos to Watch When Baked: 2014 Edition

Our top 10 videos for 2014 from our 5 Best Videos to Watch When Baked weekly series, where the HIGH TIMES staff brings you the bestvidsto watch after indulging.

2015: Better or Worse?

Well, 2014 seems to be ending in a bit of turmoil. Nationwide protests of police racism, North Korean hackers, Sony cowards, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taylor Swift... But forget all that for a second. On a personal level, do you think 2015 will be a better or worse year for you?

Best of 2014: Pot critic Jake Browne’s ‘The top 10 strains I smoked this year’

Usually landing your dream job comes with the caveat that you’ll need to quit smoking pot. At least until you pass that pesky drug test. Instead, I spent 2014 packing bowls, vaping and, on occasion, rolling up some of the best marijuana in the world. I’m still lousy with a joint paper. Here are my 'Top 10 strains I smoked this year', including Blue Dream and Headband.

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Colorado Attorney General Says Home Hash Oil Extraction is Illegal

DENVER, CO — Colorado’s Attorney General on Tuesday said the state’s landmark marijuana legalization law does not allow people to extract butane hash oil from cannabis plants in their home. Attorney General John Suthers said Amendment 64, which was passed by voters in 2012 and legalized recreational marijuana for adults, “expressly prohibits” people from personally producing […]

The Big Pharma Marijuana Scam of 2015

With efforts to legalize medical marijuana across the United States having been largely successful in recent years, there is speculation that the federal government will soon make a move, possibly in 2015, to reschedule cannabis in an effort to allow a variety of herb-bas...

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Home hash oil production is illegal, Colo. AG Suthers says

By virtue of a single comma, the Colorado attorney general's office says making marijuana hash oil at home is still illegal under state law, despite other laws legalizing marijuana use, cultivation and possession.

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Update: Voice Media’s marijuana blog Toke of the Town is getting shut down

Voice Media Group's marijuana blog Toke of the Town will be shut down on Dec. 31, according to the site's editor.

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Wichita Kansas Looks to Decriminalize Cannabis in 2015

The way that the laws are currently written, you really do not want to get busted with weed in Wichita, Kansas...or any part of Kansas for that matter. A first-time offense for simple pot p...

Wichita, Kansas Could See Marijuana Penalty Reduction Vote in April

WICHITA, KS — Supporters of a local petition drive to reduce the penalties for marijuana possession in Wichita say they now have more than enough signatures to put an initiative on the April 7 city election ballot, following an attempt to decriminalize possession earlier this year that failed, falling just 36 votes short. The group, Kansas for Change, […]

Banking on Pot: Arizona's Banks and Medical-Marijuana Dispensaries Seek an Unprosecutable Relationship

On a recent Friday afternoon, Nick Kriaris, owner of Encanto Green Cross medical-marijuana dispensary in Phoenix, and his brother, Chris, tried to open an account at Bank of America for their...

Ignorance is bliss? Citations for public pot use increasing in Denver, Aurora

Police say there are people who believe that just because recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado on Jan. 1, anything goes and it's OK to fire up a joint anywhere, anytime.

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Monday 29 December 2014

Fixing Colorado pot industry’s financial issues weighs on commish

As the advent of Amendment 64 unfolded in early 2014, the impact of a business industry cornered into operating without normal banking became clear.

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Psychedelicatessen: Winter Weed Punch

This WeedWinter Punch recipe is a festive, delicious spiced beverage meant for holiday gatherings. Replacing the traditional whiskey with a cannabis extract means this drink will come on faster than most solid edibles, as well as offer an alternative to alcohol.&nbs...

Our Highest Honors: The Best Edibles of 2014

Watching the dramatic expansion of the cannabis-infused foods industry in 2014 has been incredibly gratifying.Watching the dramatic expansion of the cannabis-infused foods industry in 2014 has been incredibly gratifying. Here are some of our favorite marijuana-amped...

Two Examples of How Not to Talk to Police About Weed

With cannabis laws in flux not only from state to state these days, but even from city to city and county to county, it is more important than ever to know your rights should you ever get pull...

Graphic: Colorado 2014 pot survey

After a year of legal marijuana, Colorado residents have few regrets, according to research conducted by SurveyUSA for The Denver Post.

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Illinois Medical Marijuana Rules Include Access for Children

Despite some controversy, starting in 2015, Illinois state medical marijuana regulators will allow children under the age of 18 to have access to edible forms of cannabis, as long as they have permission from a parent or guardian, a prescription from a primary care physic...

Colorado cities and towns take diverging paths on recreational pot

A year ago, as Colorado cities and towns were preparing for the first recreational marijuana stores to open, most were optimistic they were prepared. Still, many officials held their breath. Local government leaders from Denver to smaller cities and rural hamlets say the pivotal first-year rollout went smoothly, and in some cases it has proved quite profitable for local coffers.

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Connecticut Officials Close to Decision on State-Sponsored Hemp Production

For over two hundred years, farmers in the state of Connecticut legally grew and harvested hemp for use in sails, ropes, and clothing. In fact, the value of hemp in colonial-era Connecticut wa...

Legal Hemp Coming to Lakota Country?

Thenew Justice Department policyto take a hands-off approach to cannabis cultivation on Indian reservations could be a boon for the Lakota Sioux, who have long been pressing their right as a sovereign nation to grow industrial hemp. However, not all leaders ar...

Sunday 28 December 2014

Cheap Weed Adds Up Fast in Paraguay's Black Market

When the South American nation of Uruguay became the first country to officially legalize marijuana last year, headlines about $1 grams of cannabis made news around the world. As it turns out...

Best of 2014: The 15 most intriguing questions our readers asked this year

Here are 15 of the most intriguing questions readers had for Ask The Cannabist columnist Susan Squibb in the first year of recreational marijuana sales in Colorado. Queries ran the gamut from what's now legal (and what's still illegal) to the products for sale in pot shops to quests for 1970s strains and cooking with weed.

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Friday 26 December 2014

SF's Latest Innovation: A Weed of the Month Club

San Francisco has always been a progressive city found a solution to providing a monthly marijuana subscription box service by simply having its cannabis selections hand-delivered to the doors of stoners all across the city.

Kansas May Join Oklahoma and Nebraska in Suit Against Legal Weed in Colorado

Late last week Oklahoma and Nebraska filed suit in the U.S. Supreme Court to halt Colorado's implementation of Amendment 64. Basically, both states say they are tired of dealing with marijuana ...

Wednesday 24 December 2014

A new quest: U.S. patent protection for cannabis seeds

Colorado seed developer Ben Holmes will soon apply for a U.S. patent on a cannabis strain. If it is awarded, the patent for Holmes' medical-grade Otto II strain would be the first to protect a cannabis plant and a first step in establishing plant-breeder rights for growers who only a few years ago were considered criminals.

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Activists to protest pot lawsuit at office of Oklahoma attorney general

Marijuana legalization activists in Oklahoma are rallying the troops and organizing a protest of the state's pot lawsuit against Colorado.

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Holiday Hydroponics – A Guide for Beginners

Making a new year's resolution to learn how to grow? Our senior cultivation editor presents the scoop on growing using hydroponics methods, made easy for beginner growers learning the basics.

Judge limits medical marijuana delivery app in Los Angeles

A judge has ordered a smartphone application that facilitates the delivery of medical marijuana to stop its activities in Los Angeles and to remove all reference to marijuana delivery within city limits.

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L.A. Judge Orders Halt to Medical Marijuana Delivery Smartphone App

LOS ANGELES, CA — A judge in Los Angeles ordered a smartphone application company on Tuesday to stop arranging the delivery of medical marijuana to customers in the city in violation of a ban on such businesses, prosecutors said. Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer’s office filed a lawsuit on Dec. 2 seeking a preliminary […]

5 Best Videos to Watch When Baked XLIV

In this weekly segment, the staff here at HIGH TIMES brings you the bestvidsto watch after indulging.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Pot Possession Decriminalized In US Virgin Islands

Legislation decriminalizing the possession of one ounce or less of cannabis in the United States Virgin Islands became law this weekend.

Gun permits for pot users: Plan to put question before Colorado voters

Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana sales. Now the state's voters may consider a ballot measure to allow cannabis users to carry a concealed firearm.

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Psychedelicatessen: Ganja Gingerbread Men

Westboro Baptist Church to protest ‘pot-smoking, filthy Colorado pervs!’

"GOD HATES SAME-SEX PIMPING, POT-SMOKING, FILTHY COLORADO PERVS!" If you guessed that the above statement came from Kansas' controversial Westboro Baptist Church, you're right. The church's picket schedule says its congregation will protest at two marijuana shops in southern Colorado next week.

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The Year in NYPD Public Relations Disasters

This year has not been a good one for the NYPD. The department has found itself in an uphill PR battle for pretty much all of 2014, starting as far back as December 2013 with then-Mayor-elect Bil...

Concentrates Protected Under Medical Marijuana Law, California Court Rules

SACRAMENTO, CA — Marijuana concentrates are protected under California’s 1996 medical marijuana law, a state appellate court ruled last week. In a unanimous decision, a three-justice panel of the 3rd District Court of Appeal reversed a ruling issued previously by El Dorado Superior Court Judge James R. Wagoner that a medical marijuana patient violated probation by possessing […]

Colo. pot shops to keep more than $500K in sales tax

Colorado's cannabis shops, on the hook for higher taxes than traditional retailers, are nonetheless reaping more than half a million dollars in rebated sales-tax revenue in 2014 thanks to timely payment to the tax man.

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Florida Man Continues 90-Year Sentence for Cannabis After Judge Denies Release

Richard DeLisi, sentenced to three consecutive 30-year terms, or 90 years, for a marijuana importation conviction in 1989, will remain incarcerated. Judge Michael E. Raiden denied a motion reques...

Monday 22 December 2014

THC Helps Lab Rats Kick the Morphine Habit

Lab rats get put through some pretty inhumane conditions, but at least scientists are able to gather useful information from them. In order to study morphine dependence, researchers deprive baby rats of their mothers at a young age, a stressful situation that makes them m...

Best of 2014: Our top infused recipes, from pot brownies to mac and cheese

The Cannabist's most popular marijuana recipes from 2014, including making cannabutter, and tasty treats like mac 'n cheese, brownies, infused Thai iced tea, fruit smoothies and other appetizers, entrees and desserts.

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Best of 2014: The 12 vape pens we loved the most

Cannabist critics have been reviewing the best (and worst) vape pens on the market all year long, and we’ll continue to review the technology throughout 2015 as well. Here are reviews of 12 vape pens we loved in 2014, as ranked by their popularity on the site.

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Colorado Dispensary Owner Charged with Forging Pot Documents: "I Panicked"

Anna Cozy, the owner of Colorado Alternative Medicine in South Denver, has been arrested and accused of faking documents related to her marijuana business and supplying them to inspectors. Accord...

New York Senator Holds Public Hearing on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

New York could be well on its way to legalizing a recreational marijuana market. Earlier this week, State Senator Liz Krueger teamed up with Assembly Member Crystal People-Stokes to hold a public hearing over a piece of legislation entitled the “Marijuana Regulation...

Brazil to Study Legalization of Cannabidiol to Treat Seizures

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil will soon look into the possibility of legalizing the use of a marijuana derivative to treat people suffering from severe seizures. ANVISA, the country’s Health Surveillance Agency says in a statement posted on its website that the “reclassification” of marijuana derivative cannabidiol, which is banned in Brazil, will be discussed […]

Boulder, Colorado Tried to Ban Dispensary T-Shirts

Last week, the Boulder City Council voted unanimously to allow dispensaries to sell branded merchandise, so long as clothing and other items aren't offered in children's sizes. Yes, the city was...

Editorial: Colorado scapegoat for other states’ black-market drug issues

You'd think Nebraska and Oklahoma had never known an illegal pot market until Colorado changed its laws. And if Colorado's laws have put so much stress on their criminal justice systems, why weren't they willing to quantify it in their brief?

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High Buy: Earth Mama Natural “Top Secret” Hemp Flavored Vodka

We’re not normally into promoting the alcohol industry for obvious reasons, but Earth Mama is not your average player in the liquor business. Not only do they make charitable donations to aid organizations that help feed the world’s children, their vodka has h...

Sunday 21 December 2014

HIGH TIMES Legislative Roundup: Dec 22

The legislative grind has come to a screeching halt for the holiday season, but that did not stop lawmakers and marijuana supporters across the country from introducing last-minute proposals to legalize the leaf. Interestingly, this week’s roundup indicates supporte...

Friday 19 December 2014

Ohio advocates start push for 2015 marijuana legalization

Marijuana would be legal in Ohio for both personal and medical use under a proposal that's beginning its way toward next year's ballot.

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Take a Cooking Lesson From Vice's Grandma of Ganja

This is exactly what marijuana cooking needed: a 91-year-old Italian grandmother that knows how to throw down in the kitchen teaching her skills to the masses via the internet. For what it's w...

Is the Federal War on Medical Marijuana Really Over?

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – While the recently passed Congressional spending bill prohibits the federal government from using allocated funds to prevent the implementation of state laws where medical marijuana is legal, the effect of the bill in battleground states like California remains unclear. Earlier this month, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Consolidated and […]

Florida Governor Rick Scott Is Still Spending Tons Of Taxpayer Cash Trying To Drug Test State Employees

A federal judge told him to drop the plan. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals told him it was illegal. Then the U.S. Supreme Court refused to listen to his arguments. Even the facts are against h...

Thursday 18 December 2014

California’s Bay Area Sees First Marijuana Dispensary Billboard

Drivers in California’s Bay Area may notice a black billboard with the words Magnolia Oakland in large green font. If they look a bit closer, they’ll notice something new: Openly advertising a cannabis dispensary on a highway billboard.

Ten Best Colorado Medical Marijuana Strains of 2014

Our sister paper in Colorado, The Denver Westword, has been paying your's truly to shop for and toke cannabis for five years running as the nation's first newspaper marijuana dispensary critic (i...

POLL: Should Colo. share pot profits with neighbors to help enforcement?

Per today's lawsuit, should Colorado be required to share its pot profits with neighboring states to help enforce their anti-marijuana laws? Take our poll.

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High Buy: Lotus Fire Case

Stuck without a lighter for a bowl? Pot lovers say never again with this super-handy Fire Case for iPhones from Burlington, VT innovators, Lotus.

Republican Senator Says Obama Administration’s “Pro-Marijuana” Messages Promote Teen Drug Use

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) suggested Tuesday that the Obama administration’s failure to block marijuana legalization had sent kids the message that drug use is okay. “When kids receive the message that marijuana use is acceptable and even welcome, it’s no wonder that the perception of harm from marijuana goes down,” Grassley said […]

Southern California Native American Council Wary of Government's Pot Announcement

Last Thursday, the Department of Justice released a three-page memo announcing that the federal government will not prosecute Native Americans growing and selling marijuana on tribal lands, even...

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Go VIP to the SoCal Cannabis Cup

HIGH TIMES is thrilled to offer three new VIP options for the 4th Annual SoCal Medical Cannabis Cup, February 7-8in San Bernardino, CA - including exclusive VIP viewing at our concert featuring Rick Ross, andthe Medical Cup Awards.

Video recipe: Call it a Ganjabread House, or a Gingerbread Grow House

Christmas is around the corner, but you still have more than a week to try your hand at a Ganjabread House. (Or would that be a Gingerbread Grow House?) Either way, Mary and I had a blast designing our gingerbread creation, and if you let your imagination be your guide, you'll have just as much fun.

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Colorado Funds Medical Marijuana Research, A First

Colorado awarded more than $8 million for medical marijuana research Wednesday, a step toward addressing complaints that little is known about pot's medical potential.

California K-9 Cop Busted Hiding Confiscated Weed Won't Face Charges

Here's a lesson for you: if you want to get away with marijuana posesion, be a cop. A Richmond, California police officer busted with about five pounds of pot he picked up at a UPS store won't f...

After 3-year-old tests positive for pot, Denver parents charged with abuse

A Denver man and woman face a number of charges, including child abuse, after their 3-year-old daughter tested positive for marijuana ingestion.

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Attempt to Ban Marijuana Sales in Alaska’s Largest City Fails

ANCHORAGE, AK — An attempt to ban retail marijuana sales in Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city, failed after four hours of public testimony Tuesday night. The proposal, introduced by Assemblywoman Amy Demboski last month, was defeated in a 9-2 vote.  Demboski and Paul Honeman — a former Anchorage police lieutenant — were the only two members of the […]

Researcher Sue Sisley on Her Request for Colorado to Fund Study on Pot and PTSD

Controversial cannabis researcher Sue Sisley is on her way back to Colorado today, after six months that have been a "pretty barbaric rollercoaster," she says. "One injustice after another, and I...

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Congress: Tax Marijuana on a Federal Level?

While it is painfully obvious the US government is in no hurry to repeal prohibition and establish a taxed and regulated marijuana market, that hasn’t stopped a handful of progressive lawmakers from introducing legislation aimed at making the concept a reality in th...

The Cannabist’s Gift Guide for 2014 (Part 4): High Rollers

We’re having a little fun with a few outrageous holiday gift options to basically just ball out of control in style this season. So here you go, you high roller, you.

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Georgia Man Executed Face Down on the Ground Based on Info from Junkie-NARC

The soldiers of the drug war have crossed the threshold from brainwashed law enforcement tactics into a despicable realm of cold-blooded murder that not even the deranged attitudes of the Old Wes...

No increase in teen marijuana use in 2014, national survey finds

Teen use of marijuana has not increased in the past four years nationwide, even as the country has undergone a transformation in marijuana's legality and availability, according to the results of a new survey released Tuesday.

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Phoenix-Area Native American Communities Mum on Legalizing Pot

Legal marijuana could be a reality in the Phoenix area even if pot remains illegal under Arizona law. News broke last week that the Justice Department is advising federal prosecutors not to stop ...

President to Sign Federal Spending Bill Protecting State Sanctioned Medical Marijuana Programs

WASHINGTON, DC — House and Senate lawmakers have approved spending legislation that contains a historic provision restricting the Justice Department from interfering with the implementation of state-sanctioned medical cannabis and/or hemp programs. Members of the Senate approved the House version of the bill Saturday night. President Barack Obama indicated Monday that he intends to sign […]

Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Filed in Texas

AUSTIN, TX —  Texas is home to some of the harshest marijuana laws in the United States, but that could change as early as next year. Surrounded by  reform advocates, Texas State Rep. Joe Moody (D-El Paso) introduced a bill Monday morning that, if passed, will reduce penalties for marijuana possession in Texas. House Bill […]

Court Ends Drug Tests for Welfare Applicants in Florida

A federal appellate court unanimously struck down a 2011 Florida law mandating drug tests for all welfare applicants, even thosenot suspectedof illegal substance use.

Confused by Concentrates? This High Times Writer's Book Explains It All

If a time-traveling pot smoker from even 20 years ago landed at a social gathering of L.A. stoners circa 2014, he or she would be quite confused. Not by the proliferation of legal weed in Califor...

The Week in Weed: Rihanna smokes out her crew & 14 other primo photos

A weekly compilation of favorite weed photos posted on Instagram.

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Friday 12 December 2014

Washington weed grower’s $14K donation unwanted by many, till now

A marijuana grower who had trouble giving away $14,000 has finally found someone to accept the donations.

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2014 HIGH TIMES Amsterdam Cannabis Cup: Legalization Spotlight

During the 27th annual Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, HIGH TIMES spoke with local cannabusinesses and activists to better understand the changing legal landscape for marijuana in Holland and in the United States.

A little less anxiety for medical marijuana states

In its current form, the $1.1 trillion Congressional spending bill includes a section that bans the Department of Justice from using federal funds to intervene in states with medical marijuana laws. It's a few lines that comforted Minnesota officials worried about the federal government cracking down on the state's new medical marijuana program.

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Border Patrol Agents Let Drug Dog Maul Pot Smuggler

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Jose Manuel Marino-Najera was hiding behind brush in the southern Arizona desert with a nearly 50-pound load of marijuana when a U.S. Border Patrol K-9 found him.

Obama Opposes Effort To Stop DC Pot Legalization

President Barack Obama plans to sign a $1.1 trillion government spending bill if it reaches his desk, although he opposes a provision blocking the District of Columbia from legalizing marijuana.